Sylvie Clerjon

How is salt taste intensity encoded within the human brain? The responses of BOLD fMRI using food models

Functional MRI (fMRI) allows understanding the mechanisms by which sensations induced by food cues are perceived and processed within the brain, under the influence of various external (e.g. visual stimuli) and internal factors (e.g. body state). In particular, it allows analyzing at neurophysiological level how food formulations influence their sensory qualities and the pleasure experienced. Here, we used fMRI to infer several neural correlates of the perceived salty intensity produced by rewarding food models. Subjects received different savory solutions on their tongue using an MR-compatible gustatometer. The activations were mapped from smoothed high-resolution data, an imaging protocol…

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Correction des hétérogénéités de champ RF b1+ pour l'optimisation de l'IRM quantitative du sodium dans des aliments réels

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Correction des hétérogénéités de champ RF b1+ pour l'optimisation de l'IRM quantitative du sodium dans des aliments réels

Grace aux corrections présentées, des données quantitatives de répartition du sodium sont recueillies sur différents aliments salés pour étudier l'effet matrice (carotte, pâte, viande, pomme de terre), l'effet structure (carotte entière, purée de carotte, potage de carotte) et l'effet moment de salage (pendant la cuisson ou à l'assiette) sur la répartition finale du sel. Dans un second temps ces données seront mises en regard de données de relargage du sodium en bouche et de perception gustative. L'objectif du projet étant de fournir des indications aux familles pour utiliser plus efficacement le sel de table : en préservant leur santé et en respectant leurs attentes gustatives.

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The distribution of sodium within cooked food and sodium interactions with the matrix depends on both food matrices and salting practices

The quantitative maps results show that the sodium distribution is more heterogeneous in the carrot salted after cooking than in the carrot salted during cooking  The salt diffusion during 5 hours after the 20 minutes of cooking for cooked carrot either salted during cooking or salted after cooking show an homogenization of the sodium

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