G. Trombino
Agenda Sicilia - Sintesi
Il testo propone una scheda con una sintesi del quadro regionale siciliano per quanto attiene il governo del territorio ed in particolare: lo stato della legislazione vigente, la pianificazione comunale e di area vasta, la programmazione regionale.
Soil Bioengineering in peri-urban Mediterranean areas, an international educational project developed by AIPIN Sicily, APENA, University of Palermo and University of Lisbon
Soil Bioengineering applied to landscape architecture in urban and periurban areas characterized by mediterranean climate is a project funded by Italian MIUR within the program Messaggeri della Conoscenza. It aims to promote experimental initiatives in teaching and research in academic centers of excellence. The project is divided into 3 phases: didactic activity at the University of Palermo, internship at the Institute Superior de Agronomia of the University of Lisbon; dissemination activities of take home messages learned during the exchange period. During the first phase, more than 20 participants made three project proposals to achieve a practice construction exercises. The best five pa…