Kamyar Sarshar
Modellierung überbetrieblicher behandlungsprozesse durch objekt-petrinetze
Clinical processes are often performed by the cooperation of different healthcare organization. But even that for modeling of such processes the object Petri nets can be used, they often lack of intuitive comprehensibility. This contribution presents an interpretation of object Petri nets which assigns abstract net elements to real objects of the healthcare domain. By doing this it helps domain user to apply this Petri net type to the modeling of clinical processes. The application of this approach is demonstrated.
Comparing the Control-Flow of EPC and Petri Net from the End-User Perspective
This contribution describes the results of a laboratory experiment which compares the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) and Petri net (C/E net) regarding their approaches to represent the control-flow of processes. The outcome of the experiment indicates that from end-user perspective the EPC approach of applying connectors is superior to the token game. However, the non-local semantic of the EPC OR-connector clearly had a negative impact on end-user comprehension. The experiment also illustrates that the perceived ease-of-use and the intention to use the EPC notation is higher than C/E net.