Daniel-cristian Craciunean
Categorical Modeling Method of Intelligent WorkFlow
A category as well as a model is a mixture of graphical information and algebraic operations. Therefore, category language seems to be the most general to describe the models. It can provide us with the features that must characterize both the DSL language and the Modeling Method concept.
Improving the Training Methods for Designers of Flexible Production Cells in Factories of the Future
This work proposes a design method for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). The method reduces the learning curve by helping employees to solve problems related to the design and optimization of the layout, operation and control of FMS, avoiding the drawbacks of current tools. The approach uses Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) for specification of FMS. The paper presents the definition of the DSML and the implementation of the graphical modeling and simulation tool bringing important contributions to development of the domain through the use of constructions from categories theory for DSML specifications. This mathematical basis allows the definition of constraints to avoid supple…
Categorical Modeling Method, Proof of Concept for the Petri Net Language
Modeling increases the importance of processes significantly, but also imposes higher requirements for the accuracy of process specifications, since an error in the design of a process may only be discovered after it already produces large cumulative losses. We believe that modeling tools can help build better models in a shorter time. This inevitably results in the need to build formal models that can be theoretically verified. A category as well as a model is a mixture of graphical information and algebraic operations. Therefore, category language seems to be the most general to describe the models. The category theory offers an integrated vision of the concepts of a model, and also provi…