W. Rühle
The Effect of Light Intensity During Growth of Sinapis alba on the Electron-Transport and the Noncyclic Photophosphorylation
The photosynthetic rate of Sinapis alba can be modified over a wide range by the light intensity during growth. Our present results indicate that there exist regulatory mechanisms in the field of photosynthetic primary reactions. We compared the effect of different light intensities during growth of Sinapis plants on the concentrations of soluble proteins, manganese and lipophilic plastid quinones, the electron flow from water to ferricyanide and noncyclic phosphorylation. We further determined the light dependence curves for the uncoupled electron transport with ferricyanide as electron acceptor and methylammonium-chloride as an uncoupler of photophosphorylation.
Wirkung der Insektizide Allethrin, Lindan und Jacutin-Fogetten-Sublimat auf den photosynthetischen Elektronentransport
Summary During our studies of Hill-reactions of isolated chloroplasts we observed an inhibition of electron transport after an application of the smoke of «Jacutine-Fogetten» in the plant growth chamber. Therefore we tested the influence of the insecticides Lindane (Gammexan), the sublimate formed by the fumigation of «Jacutin Fogetten», and of Allethrin on the photosynthetic electron transport reactions of PS II and PS I. 39 μ M Lindane inhibits the basal, coupled and uncoupled electron transport to ferricyanide of broken chloroplasts isolated from leaves of Pisum sativum up to 35%. A higher inhibitory effect with higher concentrations is limited by the low water solubility of Lindane. On …
Methodical Studies in the Separation of Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Summary Chlorophyll-protein complexes from thylakoids of Sinapis alba plants were separated, using Tris-HCl and Tris-borate buffer in the sodium dodecyl sulphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the electrophoretogram with Tris-borate buffer, 6 bands could be characterized in the gel pattern. In addition to the three major green zones (P-700-chlorophyll a-protein, light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein, free pigment zone), which were also observed in experiments with the Tris-HC1 buffer, three further bands (LHCP 1 , LHCP 2 , CPa) were electrophoretically separated. An elongation of the electrophoretical period resulted especially in a decrease of the proportion of the light-harvesting …