Helje Kringlebotn Sødal

The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians

Despite impressive scholarly solidity—or rather because of this—The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians makes me think of a large bag of goodies and the delight of plunging into it, allowing...

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Skolen som reformasjonsprosjekt i Norge på 1500–tallet

Artikkelen undersøker latinskolens utvikling i Norge de første 70 årene etter innføringen av reformasjonen. Brudd og kontinuitet med middelalderskolen drøftes. Skiftet av styringsstruktur fra kirken til kongen og embetsverket fremheves som det største bruddet. Til tross for at latinskolen var den viktigste presteutdanningsinstitusjonen på 1500–tallet, ble den ikke en ren kirkeskole. Jeg argumenterer mot oppfatninger om at skolen forandret seg lite, og at reformasjonen virket negativt inn på den. Tvert om viser jeg at latinskolene ble utbygd og fikk stor betydning for implementeringen av selve trosskiftet. Jeg argumenterer også for at skolene i Norge kunne være tjent med sentralstyringen.

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Kristne barnehager

Artikkelen gir ny kunnskap om kristne barnehager som utgjør omkring 4,5 % av norske barnehager. Vi redegjør for lovgrunnlaget og undersøker blant annet ulike livssynsvedtekter og hvordan et utvalg ansatte forstår mandatet sitt, og bidrar til å gjøre verdigrunnlaget og fagområdet etikk, religion og filosofi (ERF) synlig i hverdagen og ved høytidene. En empirisk undersøkelse fra høsten 2019 og våren 2020 utgjør det viktigste empiriske materialet for artikkelen og omfattet 20 ansatte med pedagogisk ansvar i 19 barnehager i Oslo og på Agder. Ti av barnehagene var kristne. I denne artikkelen presenteres resultater fra den delen av undersøkelsen som var rettet inn mot de kristne barnehagene. Vi t…

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Kontemplativ, handlingsrettet spiritualitet - Stille stund og ledelse i Oxfordbevegelsen belyst ved nedtegnelser fra Erling Wikborg

Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/tt/2014/04/kontemplativ_handlingsrettet_spiritualitet_-_stille_stund_ Contemplation and belief in guidance from God had a distinct design in the international ecumenical revival the Oxford Group which gained great support in the interwar period. In this movement, contemplation, called quiet time, was focused on intention and action in order to grasp and carry out God’s guidance. The article examines teaching about and practice of quiet time and guidance in the Oxford Group and shows how these phenomena relate to a broader historical context within Christianity. Note…

research product

Religious Education in Secularist Kindergartens? Pedagogical Leaders on Religion in Norwegian ECEC

According to the legal framework, religion forms a certain part of Norwegian early childhood education in publicly owned kindergartens. As the only Scandinavian country where this is the case, the object clause (statement of purpose) for Norwegian kindergartens defines basic values in the Christian and humanist heritage and tradition as the value foundation for the institution. In this article we explore the impact of the processes of secularization and pluralization on the pedagogical content of early childhood education, and how some pedagogical leaders understand the religious elements. Empirically, the article is partly based on qualitative interviews targeting seven public kindergarten…

research product

"Barnehagen er ingen søndagsskole ..." Religion i barnehager med forskjellige livssynsvedtekter

How do a sample of headteachers and pedagogical leaders understand the parts of the learning area ‘ethics, religion and philosophy’ (ERF) related to religion and religious heritage and tradition in early childhood education? And how do they implement them in practice? We have interviewed employees from 19 kindergartens in Agder and Oslo, and analyzed relevant pedagogical documents, to get answers. The informants came from both public kindergartens and private kindergartens with special objectives. In the private kindergartens, most informants expressed that religion and religious heritage and tradition were integrated in the pedagogical day to day work, with use of a large degree of a didac…

research product

Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church & American Christianity

With this first scholarly book exclusively focused on Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church, Phillip L. Sinitiere, a history professor at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, makes an important co...

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Jørgen Moe : teolog, prest og biskop

Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk Tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tt/2013/03/joergen_moe_-_teolog_prest_og_biskop Jørgen Moe (1813–1882) is best known for his work as a folklorist, but he was also a poet, pastor and finally bishop in the diocese of Kristiansand. This article examines some of the cultural and theological motivations of his ministerial work, based on poems, sermons and documents from his years as a bishop. The article shows how Moe’s aesthetic and pedagogical interests are reflected in this period and how he influenced Norwegian church life through his pupils J. C. Heuch and Gustav Jensen. - Jørgen Moe (1813–1882…

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