I. Nuuja
The effects of cold and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption in young chicks.
Abstract 1. 1. To study the possible role of glucagon in avian thermoregulation the effects of cold exposure and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption were measured in young chicks. 2. 2. Cold exposure (+10°C) and glucagon injection (0·3 mg/kg, i.p. at +30°C) both caused a marked increase in the plasma FFA and a decrease in the liver glycogen content. 3. 3. It is suggested that glucagon possibly acts in the avian thermoregulation by producing at least lipolysis and glycogenolysis during cold exposure.
PCDEs, PCBs, PCDDs AND PCDFs in black guillemots and white-tailed sea eagles from the Baltic Sea
Abstract Concentrations and patterns of several chloro compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo p-dioxins (PCDD), dibenzofurans (PCDF), biphenyls (PCB) and diphenyl ethers (PCDE) were determined in black guillemots ( Cepphus grylle L.) and white-tailed sea-eagles ( Hallaeetus albicilla L.) from the Baltic Sea environment. Three breast muscles of eagles were analyzed and had different concentrations and patterns of the studied compounds, whereas the three guillemot eggs were found to have more similar levels and patterns. The concentrations of individual PCDE congeners varied from