Francesca Spatafora

Le armi dal complesso sacro di Contrada Gaggera a Selinunte: alcuni dati preliminari

The review of bronze finds from the excavations carried out in the contrada Gaggera sanctuaries from 1888 until 1925 as well as in the sixties and seventies of the last century, and the reading of old excavation notebooks have allowed the identification of a huge number of unpublished weapons. This evidence has also been considered in relation to what has been published by Ettore Gabrici in the 1927 edition of the Malophoros sanctuary. The study better clarifies the finding context of these materials (from the sanctuary of Demeter Malophoros or from the sacred area of Zeus Meilichios) and provides an overview of the different types of weapons. The most recurring objects turn out to be arrow…

research product

Low cost system for visualization and exhibition of pottery finds in archeological museums

The objective of this project is to build a low-cost system for surveying, modeling, prototyping and interactive visualizing aimed at the enhancement of islamic pottery finds of X – XI centuries. The system will allow various applications: the creation of systems for displaying artifacts from the museum alongside the exhibition, the virtual view of restorations from fragments, including AR and VR, the physical reconstruction of the original form using 3D printer to show the pieces in their entirety, as well as the construction of interactive virtual archives to be made available to scholars and visitors.

research product

Palermo: nuovi scavi nell’area di Piazza della Vittoria, Analisi architettonica e ipotesi ricostruttive

Recenti indagini archeologiche nell'area di Piazza della Vittoria a Palermo riportano alla luce i resti di alcune domus della Palermo romana. L'analisi architettonica.

research product

The Contribution of Microchemical Analyses and Diagnostic Imaging to the Conservation and Identification of the Degraded Surfaces of Hellenistic-Roman Wall Paintings from Solunto (Sicily)

The Archaeological Museum of Palermo (Sicily) has recently presented the results of the restoration of three wall paintings from the House of the Masks of Solunto archaeological site. These significant paintings, dating back to the first century BCE, are the most significant examples of Pompeian style discovered in Sicily to date. The cycle of frescoes unearthed is the best preserved and most complete example of wall painting dating to the Republican Roman period in Sicily. This house was a luxurious private residence built on two floors and centred around a peristyle. This fresco cycle embellished the walls of a banquet room (oecus) discovered during an archaeological excavation carried ou…

research product

Indagine composizionale sulle pitture di due vasi di Centuripe

Due vasi Centuripe a Palermo sono stati analizzati utilizzando XRF portatile complementare e FTIR a riflessione totale spettroscopie. Le analisi consentono di chiarire la tavolozza e la tecnica della decorazione (pittura a tempera con un legante organico), e mostrano la presenza di pigmenti sia antichi che moderni (a causa di qualche recente riverniciatura). Uno dei risultati più interessanti è stata l'identificazione di due fasi del solfato di calcio nello strato sottostante i dipinti: a causa delle condizioni che trasformano il gesso in bassanite, la presenza di il gesso o, in alternativa, la bassanite in ciascuna parte analizzata possono rappresentare un criterio per distinguere l'origin…

research product