Emergent Uric Acid Treatment is Synergistic with Mechanical Recanalization in Improving Stroke Outcomes in Male and Female Rats.
Preclinical and clinical studies support a promising, albeit not definitive, neuroprotective effect of emergent uric acid (UA) administration in ischemic stroke. We assessed the effects of UA in an ischemic stroke model relevant to the current treatment paradigm of mechanical thrombectomy within the STAIR/RIGOR recommendations. A cohort of male and female Wistar rats was subjected to ischemic stroke with mechanical recanalization under physiological monitoring. The effects of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) with adjunctive UA (IV, 16 mg/kg) or vehicle treatment were assessed at 24 h and 7 days. Outcomes included neurofunctional impairment, brain infarct (TTC staining, MRI…