J. Javier Samper
Radio environment map estimation based on communication cost modeling for heterogeneous networks
Los mapas del entorno radioeléctrico pueden ser una poderosa herramienta para lograr una asignación de recursos eficiente y consciente del contexto en las redes heterogéneas 5G. En este trabajo, consideramos una red heterogénea formada por una red celular tradicional y una red de sensores inalámbricos. El papel de la red de sensores inalámbricos es estimar el mapa del entorno radioeléctrico de la célula utilizando una técnica de interpolación geoestadística denominada Kriging. En un trabajo anterior se propuso un algoritmo de agrupación distribuida de sensores para reducir la complejidad de la estimación. En nuestra contribución, el proceso de formación de clústeres se modifica para incluir…
An ontological infrastructure for the automatic control of freight transport
Currently, freight transport carried through a country or through different countries undergoes many delays due to merchandise controls. Merchandise control is only carried out at some border posts or when the authorities demand it. Such control can be an important problem since there are different laws for the same merchandise, according to the legislation of the country and even within the same country. Nowadays there are vocabularies or languages that describe concepts and structures of data related to transport, but the description is just syntactic, not semantic. Therefore the objective to be reached in this part of the research has been to develop a representation scheme of a particul…
SMART-ASD, model and ontology definition: a technology recommendation system for people with autism and/or intellectual disabilities
There are many studies that encourage the use of mobile device solutions to improve the skills of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are a number of apps that may be useful for people with ASD, some specifically designed for them, and others not. The main goal of the SMART-ASD project is to assist in the selection of adequate technology and all related accessories. In this project, the users' data are maintained into an ontology. This ontology also includes information about devices, apps, and protection. The system is a hybrid recommendation system that guides parents and professionals in the selection of the adequate technology. This paper presents the SMART-ASD model an…
An approach for recommending personalized contents for homecare users in the context of health 2.0
This paper proposes a content recommendation mechanism as part of a model for implementing ubiquitous learning for supporting people with chronic diseases who are treated at home, so that they can learn more about treatments for their disease. In the proposed approach, the learning takes place based on day-to-day activities and real situations. In this case, the model supports the development of tools that can learn about the user's context, based on data obtained via sensors installed on users or in their home, as well as data supplied directly by the user interface of their mobile devices, and data provided by the healthcare team, and, after that, recommend contents about their diseases.
Proposal of an Architecture to Retrieve Information from Multiple Devices Using Matchmaking Algorithms
Semantic Web services (SWS) propose to extend the traditional Web services technologies on the way to consolidate ontologies and semantics. This makes possible the selection, the integration and the dynamic invocation of services. In this way, services are able to dynamically adapt themselves to changes without human intervention. The main purpose of this paper is to present an algorithm for matching SWS. The algorithm uses the description of the services capabilities to match the semantic values. The traditional matching has been improving using ontologies witch constitutes a step further in the matching algorithms. To implement the algorithm an agent FIPA compliant architecture has been d…
A low complexity distributed cluster based algorithm for spatial prediction
Los mapas del entorno radioeléctrico (REM) pueden ser una herramienta esencial para numerosas aplicaciones en las futuras redes inalámbricas 5G. En este trabajo, empleamos un popular método geoestadístico llamado kriging ordinario para estimar el REM de un área cubierta por un eNodeB equipado con múltiples antenas. Los sensores inalámbricos se distribuyen por el área de interés y se organizan clústeres adaptativos de sensores para mejorar la calidad de la estimación del canal. En este trabajo, modificamos el algoritmo de clustering distribuido propuesto en un trabajo anterior para reducir la complejidad de la predicción de kriging. Se realizan simulaciones para detallar la técnica de formac…
Intelligent transport systems harmonisation assessment: use case of some Spanish intelligent transport systems services
From the 1980s, new telematic technologies have meant a great evolution in several areas. In the transportation domain, their use has implied the development and implementation of several intelligent transport systems (ITS). However, these deployments were done in an isolated way. Traffic managers, public and private organisations, stakeholders and others have implemented ITS without much perspective, that is, without providing ITS as services for end users. In the last few years, several European Union (EU) funded projects have been dealing with the development of harmonised ITS services. For example, the EasyWay Project is involving most of the European countries (EU member states and oth…
Smart cities technologies applied to sustainable transport. Open data management
One of the objectives of the Smart Cities is the efficient and sustainable use of transport infrastructures. Sustainability is understood as the application of new technologies to minimize the loss of time and energy, and at the same time, to improve the satisfaction of citizens. Achieving this objective calls for making use of the mobility data collected from the existing transport infrastructure and services, as well as from the citizens themselves. After the data collection process, information must be stored (use of open data bases) and made accessible (available) to specialized applications and users. This paper highlights the opportunity to take advantage of emerging technologies, lik…
Semantic traffic applications based on DatexII
In this work we demonstrate a particular use of ontologies based on the European specifications DATEXII. These specifications are designed and developed as a traffic and travel data exchange mechanism by a European task force to set up and standardise the interface between traffic control and information centres. It is the reference for applications that are developed and implemented in Europe.This language describes concepts and structures of data related to traffic, but the description is just syntactic, not semantic. Therefore the objective to be reached in this part of the research has been to develop a semantic description in order to carry out some applications like syndication and a …