Gauthier Briere
Improving the transmittance of an epsilon-near-zero-based wavefront shaper
Although Epsilon-Near-Zero metamaterials (ENZ) offer many unconventional ways to play with light, the optical impedance mismatch with surroundings can limit the efficiency of future devices. We report here on the improvement of the transmittance of an Epsilon-Near-Zero (ENZ) wavefront shaper. We first address in this paper the way to enhance the transmittance of a plane wave through a layer of ENZ material thanks to a numerical optimization approach based on the Transfer Matrix Method. We then transpose the one dimensional approach to a two dimensional case where the emission of a dipole is shaped into a plane wave by an ENZ device with a design that optimizes the transmittance. As a result…
Towards an efficient epsilon near-zero-based wavefront shaper
Although epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) metamaterials offer many unconventional ways to play with light, the optical impedance mismatch with surroundings can limit the efficiency of future devices. An original example of ENZ-based applications is the wavefront shaping, but up to now devices have transmission efficiency as low as 10-5 [1]. Here, we report strategies to enhance the transmittance through ENZ layer and we demonstrate an enhancement by four orders of magnitude of the transmittance, which reaches up to 15% in the context of ENZ-based wavefront shaping [2].