J. Frank
Lattice quantum hadrodynamics
Quantum corrections to the mean-field equation of state for nuclear matter are estimated in a lattice simulation of quantum hadrodynamics. In contrast with the standard coordinate-space methods used in lattice QCD, the calculations are carried out here in momentum space and on nonhypercubic (irregular) lattices. The quantum corrections to the known mean-field equation of state were found to be considerable.
Quasi-free electron scattering in a relativistic model of the nucleus
Longitudinal and transverse response functions of quasi-free electron scattering have been calculated in mean field approximation for a relativisticσ-ω model, including non-linearities in theσ-field. As a consequence of the completely consistent and fully relativistic treatment of wave functions and current operators, gauge invariance is perfectly satisfied throughout the calculation. The results indicate that models with the same nuclear bulk properties lead to similar response functions within 10%. Our results agree with the experimental data for12C and238U, but cannot describe the longitudinal response in the Ca-Fe region. Predictions for208Pb are given for comparison with future experim…