C. Mcgeorge
Near threshold photoproduction of eta mesons off the proton.
We have measured precise total and differential cross sections for the reaction $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\ensuremath{\eta}$ from threshold to 790 MeV at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz with the neutral meson spectrometer TAPS. Resonance parameters of the ${S}_{11}$(1535) resonance and the electromagnetic coupling $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{S}_{11}$ have been extracted from the data. Contributions from the ${D}_{13}$(1520) resonance to $\ensuremath{\eta}$ photoproduction in the threshold region have been identified for the first time via interference terms in the angular distributions.
Krusche et al. reply.
Radiative Pion Photoproduction from the Proton and π + Meson Polarizabilities
We study the possibility of investigating radiative pion photoproduction from the proton at the microtron MAMI-B with the aim to obtain an experimental information about the π + meson polarizabilities. It is shown that an exposition time of about 30 days will allow to determine the π + meson polarizability with quite high accuracy.