Aki Karjalainen
Hyvä- ja huonokuntoisten lihasaktiivisuus submaksimaalisen juoksun aikana
Multi-Dimensional Interacting Constraints on Physical Activity Behaviours in the Finnish Population
Finnish sports organisations, local and federal government, and healthcare organisations have widely adopted the World Health Organization and national recommendations for physical activity for different age groups. However, studies have indicated that only 46 % of 3-year-old preschool children, approximately 50 % of primary school students (7–12 years), 10–17 % of secondary school students (13–15 years) and 16 % of Finnish adults (20–54 years) attain those recommendations. In Finland there are 33,620 built sports facilities and over 9000 sport clubs, meaning there are many possibilities for physical activity, yet people are still rather inactive. In this paper we argue that availability of…