Mirko Castellini

Compost Amendment Impact on Soil Physical Quality Estimated from Hysteretic Water Retention Curve

Capacity-based indicators of soil physical quality (SPQ) and pore distribution parameters were proposed to assess the effects of compost amendment but their determination was limited to desorption water retention experiments. This study also considered the pore size distribution obtained from adsorption experiments to establish the effectiveness of compost amendment in modifying the physical and hydrological attributes of a sandy loam soil. Repacked soil samples with different compost to soil ratios, r, were subjected to a wetting–drying cycle, and the water retention data were fit to the van Genuchten model to obtain the pore volume distribution functions. The soil bulk density was m…

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Estimating the macroscopic capillary length from Beerkan infiltration experiments and its impact on saturated soil hydraulic conductivity predictions

International audience; The macroscopic capillary length, λc, is a fundamental soil parameter expressing the relative importance of the capillary over gravity forces during water movement in unsaturated soil. In this investigation, we propose a simple field method for estimating λc using only a single-ring infiltration experiment of the Beerkan type and measurements of initial and saturated soil water contents. We assumed that the intercept of the linear regression fitted to the steady-state portion of the experimental infiltration curve could be used as a reliable predictor of λc. This hypothesis was validated by assessing the proposed calculation approach using both analytical and field d…

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Soil hydraulic properties determined by infiltration experiments and different heights of water pouring

Abstract Establishing the dependence of the soil hydraulic characterization carried out by an infiltration experiment on the procedure used to apply water on the confined soil surface may help to better interpret the collected data and also to develop more accurate strategies for soil hydraulic characterization. Soil was sampled at four Sicilian sites with both the Simplified Falling Head (SFH) technique and the Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) procedure and two heights of water application (0.03 and 1.5 m). The most appropriate BEST algorithm to analyze the data was determined and the effect of the height of water pouring on the measured soil hydraulic properties was e…

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Using tension infiltrometry and reflectometry to determine soil hydraulic properties

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Influence of the pressure head sequence on the soil hydraulic conductivity determined with tension infiltrometer

An increasing and a decreasing sequence of pressure head, h0, values were applied with the tension infiltrometer (TI) to determine the corresponding hydraulic conductivity, K0. The pressure head sequence is expected to influence the K0 results given the hysteretic nature of the hydraulic conductivity relationship. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the selected pressure head sequence on the hydraulic conductivity of a sandy loam soil measured by a multipotential TI experiment. Twenty experiments were carried out by applying h0 values varying between -150 and +5 mm (site A). The h0 values ranged from -150 to -10 mm in another 20 spots (site B). Both wetting and dryi…

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Improved Beerkan run methodology to assess water impact effects on infiltration and hydraulic properties of a loam soil under conventional- and no-tillage

Beerkan infiltration experiments with three water pouring heights (low, L = 3 cm; intermediate, M = 100 cm; high, H = 200 cm) were performed on both a no-tilled (NT) and a conventionally tilled (CT) bare loam soil to determine the surface soil hydraulic properties by the BEST-steady algorithm. Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks, significantly and monotonically decreased from the L to the H runs (from 236 to 37 mm h‒1) and lower Ks values were detected under CT (163–23 mm h‒1) than NT (346–51 mm h‒1) for each water pouring height. For both soil management practices, the gravitational potential energy, Ep, of the water used for the infiltration runs, explained most of the variance in t…

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Determining Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Infiltrometer Techniques: An Assessment of Temporal Variability in a Long-Term Experiment under Minimum- and No-Tillage Soil Management

Conservation agriculture is increasingly accepted by farmers, but the modeling studies on agro-environmental processes that characterize these agricultural systems require accurate information on the temporal variability of the soil&rsquo

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A Plot-scale uncertainty analysis of saturated hydraulic conductivity of a clay soil

Abstract Simulating soil hydrological processes at the plot or field scale requires using spatially representative values of the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks. Sampling campaigns should yield a reliable mean of Ks with a sustainable workload since measuring Ks at many points is challenging. Uncertainty analysis can be used to determine the lowest number of measurements that yield a mean Ks value with a specified accuracy level. Potential and limitations of this analysis were tested in this investigation for different extents of the sampled area and sampling densities. A clay soil was sampled intensively on two plots (plot area = 44 m2), two dates and using both small (0.15 m in …

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Impiego dell'infiltrometro a tensione: determinazione della conducibilità idraulica e stima della porosità del suolo

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The Mechanical Impact of Water Affected the Soil Physical Quality of a Loam Soil under Minimum Tillage and No-Tillage: An Assessment Using Beerkan Multi-Height Runs and BEST-Procedure

The multi-height (low, L = 3 cm

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Comparison of unconfined and confined unsaturated hydraulic conductivity

Abstract The field tension infiltrometer (TI) and the laboratory unit hydraulic gradient (UHG) methods are widely applied to determine the near-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, K . Comparison between the two methods is relevant given that they differ in the explored soil volume (undetached or detached) and in the flow process (unconfined or confined). The objective of this investigation was to compare unconfined and confined measurements of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Twenty TI experiments were conducted in a relatively coarse-textured soil having an appreciable hysteretic behavior by using two different dry-to-wet-to-dry (DTWTD) sequences of pressure head, h 0 , values that d…

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Application of multivariate analysis techniques for selecting soil physical quality indicators: A case study in long-term field experiments in Apulia (Southern Italy)

Long-term field experiments and multivariate analysis techniques represent research tools that may improve our knowledge on soil physical quality (SPQ) assessment. These techniques allow us to measure relatively stable soil conditions and to improve soil quality judgment, thereby reducing uncertainties. A monitoring of SPQ under long-term experiments, aimed at comparing crop residue management strategies (burning vs. incorporation of straw, FE1) and soil management (minimum tillage vs. no tillage, FE2), was established during the crop growing season of durum wheat. The relationships between five SPQ indicators (bulk density [BD], macroporosity [PMAC], air capacity [AC], plant available wate…

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Pedotransfer functions for estimating soil water retention curve of Sicilian soils

Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) make use of routinely surveyed soil data to estimate soil properties but their application to soils different from those used for their development can yield inaccurate estimates. This investigation aimed at evaluating the water retention prediction accuracy of eight existing PTFs using a database of 217 Sicilian soils exploring 11 USDA textural classes. PTFs performance was assessed by root mean square differences (RMSD) and average differences (AD) between estimated and measured data. Extended Nonlinear Regression (ENR) technique was adopted to recalibrate or develop four new PTFs and Wind’s evaporation method was applied to validate the effectiveness of the …

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Funzioni di pedotrasferimento per la determinazione della curva di ritenzione idrica dei suoli siciliani

Il ricorso alle funzioni di pedotrasferimento (PTF) rende possibile una stima relativamente agevole delle caratteristiche di ritenzione idrica del suolo. Una riproduzione accurata delle misure per un’area di interesse presuppone però l’accertamento delle prestazioni delle PTF esistenti ed, eventualmente, lo sviluppo di PTF alternative. Utilizzando 217 curve di ritenzione misurate in Sicilia, nell’indagine è stata dapprima verificata l’applicabilità di alcune delle più diffuse PTF disponibili in letteratura. Tale verifica ha evidenziato che i risultati migliori competono alle PTF che includono, tra le variabili indipendenti, la densità apparente del suolo. Poiché tale proprietà fisica non se…

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Subsurface flow and large-scale lateral saturated soil hydraulic conductivity in a Mediterranean hillslope with contrasting land uses

Abstract The lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks,l , is the soil property that mostly governs subsurface flow in hillslopes. Determinations of Ks,l at the hillslope scale are expected to yield valuable information for interpreting and modeling hydrological processes since soil heterogeneities are functionally averaged in this case. However, these data are rare since the experiments are quite difficult and costly. In this investigation, that was carried out in Sardinia (Italy), large-scale determinations of Ks,l were done in two adjacent hillslopes covered by a Mediterranean maquis and grass, respectively, with the following objectives: i) to evaluate the effect of land use change o…

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Predicting the water retention characteristic of Sicilian soils by pedotransfer functions.

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Variability of soil hydraulic conductivity and Gardner's alpha for different soils of south Italy

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An assessment of the BEST procedure to estimate the soil water retention curve: A comparison with the evaporation method

The Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) procedure is an attractive, easy, robust, and inexpensive way for a complete soil hydraulic characterization but testing the ability of this procedure to estimate the water retention curve is necessary as relatively little information is available in the literature. In this investigation the soil water retention curve was predicted for four differently textured soils by applying three existing BEST algorithms (i.e., slope, intercept and steady) and the results compared with those measured by the standard Wind evaporation method. A sensitivity analysis of the infiltration constants, beta and gamma, was also carried out and their impac…

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Use of BEST Procedure to Assess Soil Physical Quality in the Baratz Lake Catchment (Sardinia, Italy)

Conversion of Mediterranean maquis and/or natural forest into agro-pastoral lands is a cause of soil degradation in many Mediterranean areas. Indicators of soil physical quality (SPQ) quantitatively linked to soil hydraulic properties are a valuable tool to assess the effect of land use changes. In this investigation, the Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) procedure for soil hydraulic characterization was used to estimate SPQ indicators. Four areas of the Baratz Lake watershed, Sardinia, Italy, characterized by both typical natural vegetation (holm oak [ Quercus ilex L.] forest and high maquis) and degraded vegetation (grassland established after fire or clearing of the m…

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Indagine sulla qualità fisica di alcuni suoli siciliani

La valutazione della qualità fisica del suolo rappresenta un aspetto di notevole importanza negli studi agronomici e ambientali. Nell’indagine è stato approfondito il tema dell’applicabilità in Sicilia dell’indice di qualità fisica del suolo S, basato sulla misura della curva di ritenzione idrica. Il suddetto indice assume valori crescenti nel passaggio da un suolo di qualità scadente ad uno di buona qualità. Conformemente alle attese, i valori di S, determinati per 199 campioni di suolo, si sono ridotti all’aumentare del contenuto di argilla e di limo, della densità apparente e del fattore di erodibilità del suolo. Inoltre, l’acqua disponibile e la capacità di aerazione sono aumentate mono…

research product

Using Static and Dynamic Indicators to Evaluate Soil Physical Quality in a Sicilian Area

Both capacitive indicators derived from the water retention curve and dynamic measurements of the flow-weighted mean pore radius, R0, were used to assess the soil physical quality of two agricultural areas (cropland and olive orchard) and two natural areas (grassland and managed woodlot plantation) potentially subject to soil degradation. The overall idea of the study was to investigate whether a dynamic indicator quantitatively derived from hydraulic conductivity measurements could be used to supplement the traditionally applied capacitive indicators retrieved from water retention measurements. According to the available criteria, only the surface layer of the cropland site showed optimal …

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A comparison between the single ring pressure infiltrometer and simplified falling head techniques

Testing the relative performances of the single ring pressure infiltrometer (PI) and simplified falling head (SFH) techniques to determine the field saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs, at the near point scale may help to better establish the usability of these techniques for interpreting and simulating hydrological processes. A sampling of 10 Sicilian sites showed that the measured Kfs was generally higher with the SFH technique than the PI one, with statistically significant differences by a factor varying from 3 to 192, depending on the site. A short experiment with the SFH technique yielded higher Kfs values because a longer experiment with the PI probably promoted short-term swe…

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Parameterization of a comprehensive explicit model for single-ring infiltration

International audience; Comprehensive infiltration models can simultaneously describe transient and steady-state infiltration behaviors, and therefore can be applied to a range of experimental conditions. However, satisfactory model accuracy re- quires proper parameterization, including estimating the transition time from transient to steady-state flow conditions (τcrit). This study focused on improving the estimation of two parameters – τcrit and a second constant called a – used in a comprehensive, explicit, two-term model for single ring infiltration (hereafter referred to as the SA model). Different studies have recommended that a should be as low as 0.45 to as high as 0.91. Furthermore…

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Testing the concentric-disk tension infiltrometer for field measurement of soil hydraulic conductivity

Abstract The concentric-disk tension infiltrometer (CDTI) may be used to simultaneously measure the confined ( K c ) and the unconfined ( K u ) soil hydraulic conductivity, but it has received little testing. Comparison between K c and K u can be affected by the calculation approach applied to analyze unconfined steady-state infiltration rates. The objectives of this investigation were to: i) establish the effect of the calculation approach on the estimates of K u ; and ii) compare the K c and K u values measured by the CDTI. A clay soil, a structureless sandy loam soil, and a sandy loam soil with a relatively high gravel content were sampled using a disk of radius equal to 107.5 mm, compri…

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Application of EMI and FDR Sensors to Assess the Fraction of Transpirable Soil Water over an Olive Grove

Accurate soil water status measurements across spatial and temporal scales are still a challenging task, specifically at intermediate spatial (0.1–10 ha) and temporal (minutes to days) scales. Consequently, a gap in knowledge limits our understanding of the reliability of the spatial measurements and its practical applicability in agricultural water management. This paper compares the cumulative EM38 (Geonics Ltd., Mississauga, ON, Canada) response collected by placing the sensor above ground with the corresponding soil water content obtained by integrating the values measured with an FDR (frequency domain reflectometry) sensor. In two field areas, characterized by different soil clay conte…

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Applicazione del metodo inverso per la determinazione delle proprietà idrauliche del suolo con l'infiltrometro a depressione

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Testing a Simplified Approach to Determine Field Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity

Abstract Interpreting and simulating hydrological processes need a large number of field saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs , data that should be collected with simple and rapid field experiments. A Simplified method based on a Beerkan Infiltration run (SBI method) was recently developed and tested successfully on Burundian soils. With the SBI method, a cylinder is inserted to a short depth into the soil and the infiltration time of a few small volumes of water repeatedly applied at the surface of the confined soil is measured. Calculating Kfs needs the slope of the linearized cumulative infiltration vs. time relationship and an estimate of the so called α* parameter. In this invest…

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Comparison of 1D and 3D hydraulic conductivity measured by the concentric-disk tension infiltrometer.

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