Sergio Murgui
Emotional suppression and breast cancer: validation research on the Spanish Adaptation of the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS).
Emotional suppression has played an important role in the research on psychosocial factors related to cancer. It has been argued to be an important psychological factor predicting worse psychosocial adjustment in people with cancer and it may mediate health outcomes. The reference instrument in the research on emotional suppression is the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS). The present study analysed construct validity of a new Spanish adaptation of the CECS in a sample of 175 breast cancer patients. The results confirmed the proposal by Watson and Greer claiming that the CECS is composed of three subscales that measure different dimensions, but not independent, from emotional control…
Ajuste psicosocial en agresores, víctimas puras y víctimas agresivas en la escuela.
En el presente estudio se examinan las diferencias entre cuatro categorías de adolescentes –agresores, víctimas puras, víctimas agresivas y estudiantes no implicados en problemas comportamentales o de victimización en la escuela– en relación con la autoestima, la sintomatología depresiva, el estrés percibido, el sentimiento de soledad, y una medida general de satisfacción con la vida. Los participantes fueron 1.319 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 16 años (47% chicos) y escolarizados en siete centros públicos de enseñanza secundaria ubicados en Valencia (España). Los análisis de varianza indicaron la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las cuatro categorías…
Funcionamiento familiar, autoestima y consumo de sustancias en adolescentes: un modelo de mediación Family functioning, self-esteem and substance use in adolescents: a mediational model
OBJETIVO: Analizar las relaciones directas e indirectas entre el funcionamiento familiar, la autoestima considerada desde una perspectiva multidimensional (autoestima familiar, escolar, social y física) y el consumo de sustancias. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Los datos se recogieron durante el año escolar 2003-2004 y corresponden a dos muestras independientes de adolescentes españoles (n1= 414, Castilla y León; n2= 625, Comunidad Valenciana). Para el análisis de datos se utilizó la técnica estadística de ecuaciones estructurales y se siguió el procedimiento de análisis de efectos mediadores de Holmbeck (1997). RESULTADOS: La autoestima media significativamente la influencia del funcionamiento famili…
Individual and social risk factors related to overt victimization in a sample of Spanish adolescents.
This study analyzes the role of adolescents' self-esteem, loneliness, sociometric status, and perceptions of family and classroom environment on overt vicitimization by peers in a sample of 1,319 Spanish adolescents (48% boys and 52% girls), ages 11 to 16 years ( M = 13.7, SD = 1.5). The findings from structural equation modeling suggest that adolescents' self-esteem, loneliness, and sociometric status had a significant direct effect on overt victimization by peers, and adolescents' perceptions of family and classroom environment had a significant indirect effect on peer overt victimization mediated by self-esteem, loneliness, and sociometric status. The findings are discussed with the con…
Ambiente comunitario y actitud hacia la autoridad: relaciones con la calidad de las relaciones familiares y con la agresión hacia los iguales en adolescentes
El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar las relaciones entre la calidad de las relaciones familiares, la percepción del ambiente comunita-rio y la actitud de los adolescentes hacia la autoridad (policía, profesores) y normas sociales, en la predicción del bienestar subjetivo y un problema conductual de actualidad como es la agresión hacia los iguales. Para poner a prueba estas relaciones múltiples se ha utilizado una muestra de 554 adoles-centes de ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años. Los datos se recogieron en dos tiempos con un intervalo temporal de 6 me-ses y se analizaron mediante el cálculo de modelos de ecuaciones estructu-rales, incluyendo un análisis …
The relationships of family and classroom environments with peer relational victimization: An analysis of their gender differences
This study analyzes the relationships of adolescents' perceptions of their family and classroom environments with peer relational victimization, taking into account that these relationships could be mediated by adolescents' self-esteem, feelings of loneliness, and sociometric status. These relationships, and their possible gender differences, were analyzed in a sample of 1319 Spanish adolescents (48% boys and 52% girls), ages 11 to 16 years (M= 13.7,SD= 1.5). A structural equation modeling was calculated for boys and girls separately. The findings suggested that the adolescents' self-esteem, loneliness, and sociometric status had a significant direct effect on peer relational victimization …
Psychological assessment of patients with temporomandibular disorders: confirmatory analysis of the dimensional structure of the Brief Symptoms Inventory 18.
Abstract Objective This article analyzes the psychometric and structural properties of the Brief Symptoms Inventory 18 in a sample of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), given the convenience of a brief evaluation of distress in these patients. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in a sample of 114 patients with TMDs. Two models were tested: the theoretical model with the original structure proposed—which considers three dimensions—and the empirical model obtained through the exploratory factor analysis initially carried out by Leonard R. Derogatis—which consists of the four-factor structure. Results Both models reached satisfactory indexes in confirmatory fac…
This research analyses the relationship among family communication (open communication versus communication problems), multidimensional self-esteem (family, academic, social and physical self-esteem) and behavioural problems in adolescence. Two independent samples were used in the study: Sample 1 was composed of 414 adolescents ranging in age from 12 to 17 years old, and Sample 2 was composed of 625 adolescents aged from 11 to 20 years old. Results showed an indirect effect of family communication on delinquent behavior through the mediation of self-esteem. We found a protection effect of family and academic self-esteem and a risk effect of social and physical self-esteem on delinquent beha…
Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem
The present study analyzes the relationship between parental socialization practices, acceptance/involvement, and strictness/ imposition, and different indicators of adolescent adjustment, taking into account the role of family self-esteem. A sample of 848 Spanish adolescents (54.70% females) ranging in age from 14 to 18 years old (M = 16.11, SD = 1.10) participated in the study. A series of structural equations models (SEMs) were tested to examine the mediational role of family self-esteem in the relationship between parenting practices and the outcome variables that capture adolescent adjustment: emotional instability, antisocial behavior, and academic achievement. The influence of parent…
Ajuste psicológico y culpabilización de la víctima en maltratadores: el papel del apoyo social y los eventos vitales estresantes
Intimate partner violence offenders often use victim-blaming attributions to explain their own violent behavior. These attributions represent an important challenge for intervention programs for intimate-partner violence offenders. The main objectives of this study were to analyze both the influence of social support and stressful life events on the psychological adjustment (self-esteem and depressive symptomatology) of intimate partner violence offenders and the relationship between offenders' psychological adjustment and their victim-blaming attributions. The sample consists of 314 men convicted of intimate partner violence who were referred to a community-based intervention program. Resu…
Funcionamiento familiar, autoestima y consumo de sustancias en adolescentes: un modelo de mediación
Objective This research analyzes the direct and indirect relationships among family functioning, multidimensional self-esteem (family, academic, social, and physical self-esteem) and substance use. Materials and methods The study participants were composed of two independent samples of Spanish adolescents who provided information during the 2003-2004 academic year (n1 = 414, Castilla and Leon; n2 = 625, Comunidad Valenciana). The statistical analyses were carried out using structural equation modelling and the procedure of mediation effects analysis (Holmbeck, 1997). Results Results showed a significant mediational effect of self-esteem on the relation between family functioning and adolesc…
Parenting Style and Reactive and Proactive Adolescent Violence: Evidence from Spain
The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the parenting styles&mdash
Future-oriented coping: Dispositional influence and relevance for adolescent subjective wellbeing, depression, and anxiety
Abstract Extensive literature has explored the predictive role of personality in the use of coping strategies. However, proactive and preventive coping that aim to take action before stressful events occur currently remain largely unexplored. This study examined the associations between proactive and preventive coping and personality (domains and facets) and subjective wellbeing, depression, and anxiety. The results obtained in 934 Spanish adolescents showed that all personality domains were predictors of both types of coping, except for Extraversion, which did not predict preventive coping. Attention to the facets allowed increases in the predicted percentage of variance and a greater unde…
Suppression and mediation effect in psychosocial intervention: differences, similarities and examples
El presente trabajo compara el efecto mediador y el supresor de una tercera variable. Ambos efectos parcelan la varianza de la variable dependiente (Y). La mediación es la reducción, tras introducir una tercera variable (Z) en el modelo, de la proporción de varianza explicada directamente por la variable independiente (X) en la variable criterio (Y) y la supresión es el incremento de la proporción de varianza explicada directamente por la independiente en la variable criterio, al incluir la tercera variable en el modelo. Se analizan las características y diferencias de cada efecto y se examina en qué situaciones se produce uno u otro. Cada situación, compuesta de tres variables correlaciona…
A longitudinal study of psychosocial distress in breast cancer: prevalence and risk factors.
This longitudinal study was conducted among 102 women with non-metastasic breast cancer to identify the time evolution and prevalence of distress at specific times through diagnosis and treatment of disease: preliminary diagnosis, surgery, definitive diagnosis and chemotherapy. Additionally, the study aimed to examine the role of demographic, medical and psychosocial factors on distress. The results indicated that prevalence of distress was higher at initial diagnosis (25%) than the following time points (approximately 17%). The differences inter-individuals in the levels of distress were observed over the four assessments. No relation between distress and demographic and medical factors wa…
Psychometric Properties of Spanish Version Student Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES–S–9) in High-school Students
AbstractThe Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) is a self-report instrument widely used, both in the original and its abbreviated version of nine items, to assess the work -UWES, UWES–9– and academic engagement -UWES-S, UWES–S–9–. The present study examines factor structure of the UWES–S–9 using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), its convergent validity and invariance across sex and age groups in a sample of 626 Spanish high school students. The results support an unidimensional conceptualization of engagement (S-Bχ2/df = 5.29; CFI = .96; NNFI = .94; RMSEA = .083; IFI = .96; AIC = 82.21; BIC = 267.38), revealed an essentially invariant structure of the UWES–S–9 across the sex, ΔS-Bχ2(Δ6) …
Efecto de supresión y mediación en el contexto de la intervención psicosocial: Diferencias, similitudes y ejemplos
ResumenEl presente trabajo compara el efecto mediador y el supresor de una tercera variable. Ambos efectos parcelan la varianza de la variable dependiente (Y). La mediación es la reducción, tras introducir una tercera variable (Z) en el modelo, de la proporción de varianza explicada directamente por la variable independiente (X) en la variable criterio (Y) y la supresión es el incremento de la proporción de varianza explicada directamente por la independiente en la variable criterio, al incluir la tercera variable en el modelo. Se analizan las características y diferencias de cada efecto y se examina en qué situaciones se produce uno u otro. Cada situación, compuesta de tres variables corre…
Psychological adjustment and victim-blaming among intimate partner violence offenders: The role of social support and stressful life events
AbstractIntimate partner violence offenders often use victim-blaming attributions to explain their own violent behavior. These attributions represent an important challenge for intervention programs for intimatepartner violence offenders. The main objectives of this study were to analyze both the influence of social support and stressful life events on the psychological adjustment (self-esteem and depressive symptomatology) of intimate partner violence offenders and the relationship between offenders’ psychological adjustment and their victim-blaming attributions. The sample consists of 314 men convicted of intimate partner violence who were referred to a community-based intervention progra…
Funcionamiento y comunicación familiar y consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia: el rol mediador del apoyo social
ResumenEn el presente estudio se analiza el apoyo social como un recurso protector para el ajuste de los adolescentes. Concretamente, se estudian tanto los efectos directos como los mediadores del apoyo social entre las caracteristicas de funcionamiento y comunicacion familiar y el consumo de sustancias de los adolescentes. Con este objetivo, 431 chicos y chicas de 15 a 17 anos cumplimentaron una bateria de instrumentos para la medida de las variables de funcionamiento y comunicacion familiar, apoyo social percibido y la estimacion de consumo de sustancias. Los resultados muestran que el apoyo procedente del padre predice negativamente el consumo mientras que el procedente de la pareja del …
Psychometric properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 in a Spanish breast cancer sample
Abstract Objective The objective of this work was to study the psychometric and structural properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) in a sample of breast cancer patients ( N =175). Methods Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Two models were tested: the theoretical model with the original structure (three-dimensional), and the empirical model (a four-factor structure) obtained through exploratory factor analysis initially performed by the authors of the BSI-18. Results The eligible structure was the original proposal consisting of three dimensions: somatization, depression, and anxiety scores. These measures also showed good internal consistency. Conclusion The results …
Does optimism mediate the relationship between Big Five and perceived stress? A study with Spanish adolescents
Los resultados de investigación han mostrado la existencia de relaciones entre los Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad, Optimismo y Estrés Percibido. El objetivo del estudio es explorar, mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, el posible papel mediador que se ha sugerido podría desempeñar Optimismo en esta relación. También, se explora a través de un análisis multi-grupo la invarianza por sexo de los resultados. Un total de 611 adolescentes españoles completaron de forma anónima los cuestionarios BFQ, LOT-R y PSS. Optimismo se asoció positivamente asociado con los rasgos de personalidad y negativamente con Estrés Percibido. El Estrés se relacionó negativamente con Estabilidad Emoc…
Reputation, loneliness, satisfaction with life and aggressive behavior in adolescence
The present study analyses the relationship between adolescents' perception of reputation and aggressive behavior among peers. The sample is made up of 1319 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years old. Statistical analyses with structural equation modeling were carried out to examine the direct and indirect effect of perception of reputation (real and ideal) on aggressive behavior. Results indicate that adolescents' real and ideal reputations are related both directly and indirectly to aggressive behavior. The indirect effects suggest that loneliness and life satisfaction mediate the relationship between adolescents' reputation and their aggressive behavior. These findings and their implications ar…
Parenting in the digital era: Protective and risk parenting styles for traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimization
Abstract This study analyzes the parenting styles that could act as risk or protective factors for bullying and cyberbullying victimization in Spain, considering the predisposition to aggression of the adolescents. The protective or risk effect of parenting styles for adolescents' related behavior such as antisocial behavior, school adjustment, and self-esteem was also analyzed. Study sample was 1109 adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years (49.96%, females, M = 13.88, SD = 1.38). A 4 × 2 × 2 × 2 MANOVA was applied for the outcome variables of bullying victimization (traditional bullying and cyberbullying), antisocial behavior, school adjustment, and self-esteem; with parenting style, predi…
English Validation of the Parental Socialization Scale—ESPA29
Parenting styles have traditionally been studied following the classical two-dimensional orthogonal model of parental socialization. The Parental Socialization Scale ESPA29 is used to measure the four styles of parental socialization through the acceptance/involvement and strictness/imposition dimensions. The ESPA29 scale is a developmentally appropriate measure of parenting styles, which has been validated in several languages including Spanish, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese. In this study, the English translation of the ESPA29 was evaluated. The objective of the work is to test the ESPA29’s structure of parenting practices with a United States sample measuring parenting practices usin…