Ignacio Martínez Navarro
Using Tic-Tac software to reduce anxiety-related behaviour in adults with autism and learning difficulties during waiting periods: A pilot study
Deficits in the perception of time and processing of changes across time are commonly observed in individuals with autism. This pilot study evaluated the efficacy of the use of the software tool Tic-Tac, designed to make time visual, in three adults with autism and learning difficulties. This research focused on applying the tool in waiting situations where the participants exhibited anxiety-related behaviour. The intervention followed a baseline and intervention (AB) design, and a partial interval recording procedure was used to code the presence of stereotypes, nervous utterances, wandering or other examples of nervousness during the selected waiting situations. The results showed that t…
Efecto del pedaleo de brazos sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de las personas con tetraplejia. (Effect of armcrank pedaling on the cardiorespiratory system of the people with tetraplegia).
Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de pedaleo de brazos (PB) estacionario, sobre el sistema cardiorrespiratorio de personas con tetraplejia. Metodo: Se estudiaron 11 participantes con tetraplejia por lesion medular (LM) de origen traumatico a niveles entre C4 y C6. Se midieron variables espirometricas (VC, FVC y MVV) y de Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardiaca VFC (HR, STDHR, RMSSD, LF, HF y HRVPOWER), antes y despues de 8 semanas de entrenamiento. Resultados: Todas las variables mostraron cambios significativos (p < 0,05) despues del programa de entrenamiento aumentando su valor, excepto la FC que disminuyo. Las personas con las LM mas bajas mostraron valores m…
Evolución de la masa corporal, la altura y el IMC en participantes del Ultratrail CSP-115
Introduction: this study analyses anthropometric changes in terms of body mass, height and body mass index (BMI), in 32 finishers of the Ultratrail-CSP-115. The aims of the study are: to analyse the differences of body mass, height and BMI between the start and the finish of the race; and to describe the evolution of the weight during the event. Methodology: the body mass, height and BMI were compared using a T-Student test. To describe the evolution of body mass during the race an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures was used. Results: significant changes were observed in the analysis of both objectives. Discussion and conclusions: the results are consistent with other simila…
Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento funcional sobre la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, la función ejecutiva y la capacidad condicional en adultos mayores.
Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento funcional sobre la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, la función ejecutiva y la capacidad condicional en adultos mayores.