Alain Ourry
Impact of Bacterial Siderophores on Iron Status and Ionome in Pea
National audience; Including more grain legumes in cropping systems is important for the development of agroecological practices and the diversification of protein sources for human and animal consumption. Grain legume yield and quality is impacted by abiotic stresses resulting from fluctuating availabilities in essential nutrients such as iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC). Promoting plant iron nutrition could mitigate IDC that currently impedes legume cultivation in calcareous soils, and increase the iron content of legume seeds and its bioavailability. There is growing evidence that plant microbiota contribute to plant iron nutrition and might account for variations in the sensitivity of pe…
Des potentiels régulateurs des réponses au stress hydrique et à la carence en soufre identifiés grâce à une analyse multi-omiques chez le pois
Dans leur environnement naturel, les plantes doivent faire face à plusieurs stress biotiqueset abiotiques au cours de leur cycle de développement. Certains de ces stress peuventsurvenir au même moment – comme le stress hydrique et les carences nutritionnelles – etpeuvent avoir des effets synergiques, antagonistes ou additifs sur les réponses moléculairesdes plantes. Chez le pois (Pisum sativum), il a été observé que l’effet de la carence en soufre(S) sur la composition protéique des graines peut être atténué lorsque cette carence estcombinée à un stress hydrique (Henriet et al., 2019). Afin de mieux caractériser les réponsesmoléculaires du pois au stress hydrique et/ou à la carence en S, un…
Disentangling the complexity and diversity of crosstalks between S and other mineral nutrients in cultivated plants
International audience
Multi-omics network analysis identifies putative regulators of molecular responses to water stress and sulfur deficiency in Pisum sativum
Plants in their physical environment face multiple biotic and abiotic stresses duringtheir life cycle. In nature, environmental stresses often co-occur – such as water deficit andnutrient deficiencies – and can have synergistic, antagonistic or additive effects on the plantmolecular responses. In pea (Pisum sativum), combination of water stress (WS) and sulfur (S)deficiency showed a mitigation effect on the seed protein composition, as compared to Sdeficiency occurring alone (Henriet et al., 2019). To better understand how pea responds toWS and/or S deficiency, a multi-omics (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, ionomics)analysis has been performed from leaf samples collected during a…
Phloem: highway to N
National audience