Alīda Zigmunde
Promocijas darbs
Alīda Zigmunde. Pedagoģiskā darbība Rīgas Politehnikumā un Rīgas Politehniskajā institūtā (1862 -1919). Promocijas darbā apkopots un izanalizēts Rīgas Politehnikuma un Rīgas Politehniskā institūta mācībspēku un absolventu pedagoģiskās darbības saturs 19. gadsimta 2. pusē – 20. gadsimtā, izvērtēta tā kultūrvēsturiskā nozīme augstskolas pedagoģijas attīstībā. Darbā secināts, ka augstskolas mācībspēku un audzēkņu pedagoģiskajā darbībā atspoguļojās Rietumeiropas un Krievijas pedagoģiskās atziņas, kuras augstskolā aprobēja un attīstīja tālāk. Rīgas augstskolā veidojās laikmetīga pedagoģijas zinātne, kurā rodami augstskolas pedagoģijas pirmsākumi Latvijā. Augstskolas absolventi un mācībspēki devu…
Versatile Pedagogical and Social Activities of a Graduate of Riga Polytechnic Institute Jānis Stiprais (1870–1946)
The research discusses continuous effort of a pedagogue, economist and journalist Jānis Stiprais (1870–1946) in his pursuit to obtain education and his versatile pedagogical activities in Tomsk (Russia), Tukums, Valka and Riga, as well as the contribution he made in such areas as journalism, folklore and social work. J. Stiprais shared his knowledge of economics gained at Riga Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with the students at the University of Latvia (UL), Latvia People’s University and Vilis Olavs Commercial School; in the first half of the 20th century he was the principal of educational institutions in Tukums, Valka and Riga, he also was one of the signatories of the Memorandum of the Cen…
Graduate of Riga Polytechnic Institute, Athletics Statistician Andris Staģis
The article summarizes the achievements of Andris Staģis, a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Riga Polytechnic Institute (RPI; 1968), in the profession of an engineer, as well as reveals his contribution to the history and statistics of Latvian sports, achievements in athletics and their promotion. This is the first study on the activities and life of engineer, officer of the Order of the Three Stars, Latvian champion in athletics and the author of sports history books, and journalist A. Staģis. The aim of the research is to reveal the contribution of A. Staģis and the significance of his personality to Latvia using his and the authors’ personal archives, documents of the Stat…
Former students of the Riga Polytechnicum and Riga Polytechnic Institute (1862–1919) – literary workers
The authors of the article have gathered literary works of poets and writers – former students of Riga Polytechnicum (RP) and Riga Polytechnic institute (RPI), and have characterized them. Several Latvian and foreign literary workers have studied at the institute. Only six of them – Alfrēds Andersons, Jānis Bergs, Rihards Ērglis, Ernests Eferts, Jānis Miķelsons and Arvīds Valdmanis – received diplomas in engineering after graduating from Departments of Engineering, Commerce and Agriculture. A. Valdmanis has written course books and literary works. Latvian poet Jānis Poruks and Russian writer Mihail Prishvin (Михаил Михаилович Пришвин) have also studied at the institute, but just like few ot…
Graduate of Riga Polytechnic Institute, Engineer, Inventor and Athlete Arno Līcis
The article summarizes the career of a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics (1964) of Riga Polytechnic Institute Arno Līcis. The article reveals and describes his work while being an engineer at the Riga Electromachine Building Factory (RER), at the Latvian Scientific Research Institute of Trauma- tology and Orthopaedics (LSRITO) and in the printing house «Jāņa sēta», as well as being an inventor. It has been discovered that he had promoted orienteering sports and had significant achievements in competitions of various scale, inclu- ding mass competition named «Magnēts» managed by him, which had been taking place since 1969. This is the first research on the life and professional activities…