Marie-christine Breuil
Effects of precipitation regime on soil bacterial and fungal activity upon rewetting of a plant-soil system using 18O-SIP: depth matters
EASPEBIOmEDOCT INRA; Climate change is predicted to affect not only the amount but also the temporal distribution of rain. Changes in frequency and amplitude of rain events, likely shape the activity of plants and soil microbes. Fluctuating water conditions will differ with soil depth between precipitation patterns, affecting plant growth and may result in differential microbial response upon rewetting. Our objective was to investigate, in plant-soil systems, the response of the metabolically active microbial communities to a rewetting event and to which extent this was modulated by 1) soil depth and 2) precipitation legacy. Wheat planted in soil mesocosms were subjected to frequent or infr…
Technosols to reclaim industrial wastelands: depth distribution of abundance and activity of N-cycling microbial communities
International audience; Construction of Technosols through assemblage of treated soil and recycled wastes is an innovative option for the restoration of degraded lands and re-use of industrial wastes. Recent studies have evidenced that Technosols could support soil functions such as primary production but the knowledge about other ecosystemic services, such as nutrient cycling, is limited. In this work, we investigated the abundance and the activity of microbial communities involved in N-cycling in different horizons (0–15, 15–35, 35–70 cm) of two types of Technosols constructed to reclaim an industrial wasteland. The estimation by real-time PCR of the abundances of the different microbial …
Mitigation of N2O emissions in agroecosystems: the role of N2O-reducers
CT3 ; EnjS4 ; Département EA; Mitigation of N2O emissions in agroecosystems: the role of N2O-reducers. 16. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - ISME16
Additional file 1 of Experimental community coalescence sheds light on microbial interactions in soil and restores impaired functions
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table 1. Number of OTUs significantly differentially abundant among all treatments as estimated using a generalized linear mixed model, among the 515 most abundant 16S rRNA OTUs and the 439 most abundant 18S rRNA OTUs. Supplementary Figure 1. Abundances of total bacteria and total fungi. Quantification of 16S rRNA (a and c) and ITS (b and d) gene copy numbers in the original soil, the removal treatments and the control (Step 1; a and b) and in the coalescence treatment, the self-mixed removal treatment and the control samples (Step 2; c and d) (mean ± s.e. of log10-transformed data expressed as gene copy g-1 dry soil). Letters indicate significantly differen…
Legacy effects of contrasting water and N-availability patterns on plantmicrobial response to rewetting
National audience; Introduction. Shifts in the frequency and magnitude of rain events (precipitation regime) associated with climate change may affect plant morphological and physiological strategies as well as soil microbial activity.Objectives. The objective of this study was to determine i) how precipitation history shapes the response dynamics of soil bacterial and fungal communities to rewetting, as well as plant-microbial competition for N, and ii) how the N status of the system may modulate the effect of precipitation regime.Materials & methods. The legacy effects of 12 weeks of contrasting precipitation (frequent or infrequent watering, equal total water input) and N inputs was asse…
Deciphering biotic interactions and their role in soil microbial community assembly
National audience; Soil microbial communities play key roles in ecosystem functioning. Yet, little is known aboutthe importance of microbe-microbe interactions in soil microbial community assembly andfunctions. To address this knowledge gap, the objective of my thesis is to assess the role ofinteractions between micro-organisms in soil microbial communities. For this purpose, we willmanipulate the interactions between microorganisms within complex soil microbialcommunities by (i) removing different members of the soil community, (ii) adding microbialtaxa to the soil community and (iii) increasing the physical distance between members of thesoil community. How shifts in microbial interaction…
Unraveling biotic interactions determining soil microbial community assembly and functioning
National audience; Microbial communities are at the heart of all ecosystems and yet, a sound understanding of the ecological processes governing the assembly of these communities in the environment is missing. To address the role of biotic interactions in assembly and functioning of the soil microbiota, we used a top down manipulation approach based on the removal of various populations in a natural microbial community. Suspensions of the soil microbiota were subjected to various biocidal and filtration treatments before being inoculated into the same sterilized soil. We hypothesized that if biotic interactions are an important shaping force of the microbiota assembly, removal of microbial …
Soil microbial community fragmentation reveals indirect effects of pesticide application mediated through biotic interactions between taxa
In soil ecosystems, microorganisms exist in complex and diverse communities where microbial taxa are linked through different types of interactions. Therefore, pesticide application will not only directly affect certain microbial taxa, but will also have indirect effects throughout the community mediated through these interactions. These indirect effects may also influence ecosystem functions. In this study, a naturally occurring soil microbial community was fragmented by filtering a soil suspension and inoculating sterile soil microcosms. The effect of the fungicide Hymexazol on community structure and function was tested on the separate fractions and on the unfragmented community after a …
Recurrent inoculation: a strategy for a better survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain in soil
A growing interest is shown for microbial inoculants as a promising alternative to agrochemicals for sustainable agricultural. However, biotic and abiotic stresses are known to affect their establishment and effectiveness, leading to inconsistent performance in field conditions. At the same time, a poor survival of the strain is often observed, which constitutes a main hamper for bacterial inoculant development. We hypothesize that recurrent inoculations would improve the survival of the strain in soil. For this purpose, we tested different scenarios of inoculation of the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil microcosms: a single inoculation, two inoculations …
Long-term effects of crop management on Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae populations.
Little is known about factors that affect the indigenous populations of rhizobia in soils. We compared the abundance, diversity and genetic structure of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae populations in soils under different crop managements, i.e., wheat and maize monocultures, crop rotation, and permanent grassland. Rhizobial populations were sampled from nodules of pea- or vetch plants grown in soils collected at three geographically distant sites in France, each site comprising a plot under long-term maize monoculture. Molecular characterization of isolates was performed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism of 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer as a neutral marker of the genomi…
Recurrent inoculation: a strategy for a better survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain in soil
A growing interest is shown for microbial inoculants as a promising alternative to agrochemicals for sustainable agricultural. However, biotic and abiotic stresses are known to affect their establishment and effectiveness, leading to inconsistent performance in field conditions. At the same time, a poor survival of the strain is often observed, which constitutes a main hamper for bacterial inoculant development. We hypothesize that recurrent inoculations would improve the survival of the strain in soil. For this purpose, we tested different scenarios of inoculation of the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil microcosms: a single inoculation, two inoculations …
Experimental community coalescence sheds light on microbial interactions in soil and restores impaired functions
Abstract Background Microbes typically live in communities where individuals can interact with each other in numerous ways. However, knowledge on the importance of these interactions is limited and derives mainly from studies using a limited number of species grown in coculture. Here, we manipulated soil microbial communities to assess the contribution of interactions between microorganisms for assembly of the soil microbiome. Results By combining experimental removal (taxa depletion in the community) and coalescence (mixing of manipulated and control communities) approaches, we demonstrated that interactions between microorganisms can play a key role in determining their fitness during soi…
Effects of precipitation regime and N-availability on the dynamics of plant-microbial and soil biogeochemical cycling responses to rewetting
International audience; Introduction. Shifts in the frequency and magnitude of rain events (precipitation regime) associated with climate change may affect plant morphological and physiological strategies as well as soil microbial activity. Objectives. The objective of this study was to determine i) how precipitation history shapes the response dynamics of soil bacterial and fungal communities to rewetting, as well as plant-microbial competition for N, and ii) how the N status of the system may modulate the effect of precipitation regime. Materials & methods. The legacy effects of 12 weeks of contrasting precipitation (frequent or infrequent watering, equal total water input) and N inputs w…
Peaks of in situ N2O emissions are influenced by N2O producing and reducing microbial communities across arable soils
International audience; Introduction Agriculture is the main source of terrestrial N2O emissions, a potent greenhouse gas and the main cause of ozone depletion ((Hu et al., 2015). The reduction of N2O into N2 by microorganisms carrying the nitrous oxide reductase gene (nosZ) is the only known biological process eliminating this greenhouse gas. Recent studies showed that a previously unknown clade of N2O-reducers (nosZII) was related to the potential capacity of the soil to act as a N2O sink (see Hallin et al., 2017 and references therein). However little is known about how this group responds to different agricultural practices. Here, we investigated how N2O-producers and N2O-reducers were …