Clinical Presentation of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Prospective Study on Symptom Diversity and Modification of Questionnaire Application
This is the peer-reviewed but unedited manuscript version of the following article: Broderik, R., Fuchs, K.-H., Breithaupt, W., Varga, G., Schulz, T., Babic, B., ... Horgan, S. (2019). Clinical Presentation of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Prospective Study on Symptom Diversity and Modification of Questionnaire Application. Digestive Diseases. The final, published version is available at Introduction - Symptoms occurring in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) such as heartburn, regurgitation, thoracic pain, epigastric pain, respiratory symptoms, and others can show a broad overlap with symptoms from o…