Sara Draghi
The effect of a membrane-mimicking environment on the interactions of Cu2+ with an amyloidogenic fragment of chicken prion protein
Prion proteins (PrP) from different species have the ability to tightly bind Cu2+ ions. Copper coordination sites are located in the disordered and flexible N-terminal region which contains several His anchoring sites. Among them, two His residues are found in the so called amyloidogenic PrP region which is believed to play a key role in the process leading to oligomer and fibril formation. Both chicken and human amyloidogenic regions have a hydrophobic C-terminal region rich in Ala and Val amino acids. Recent findings revealed that this domain undergoes random coil to α-helix structuring upon interaction with membrane models. This interaction might strongly impact metal binding abilities e…
Zn(II)-alloferon complexes - Similar sequence, different coordination modes, no antibacterial activity.
Often, in the search for a highly defined scientific phenomenon, a different one becomes apparent. This was also the case of this work, in the scope of which we planned to search for metal-enhanced, novel antibacterial/ antifungal compounds. Instead, we denied the existence of such and revealed the details of the bioinorganic chemistry of Zn(II)-alloferon complexes. Zinc(II) complexes of alloferon 1 and 2, ligands with a sequential difference of one amino acid only, show a substantially different coordination pattern at physiological pH. In the case of Zn(II)-alloferon 1 species, a histamine-like binding mode is observed (N-terminal amine and imidazole of His-1) and the coordination sphere …