Andreas K. Athienitis

PCM thermal storage design in buildings: Experimental studies and applications to solaria in cold climates

Abstract As energy availability and demand often do not match, thermal energy storage plays a crucial role to take advantage of solar radiation in buildings: in particular, latent heat storage via phase-change material is particularly attractive due to its ability to provide high energy storage density. This paper analyzes the performance of a building-integrated thermal storage system to increase the energy performances of solaria in a cold climate. A wall opposing a highly glazed facade (south oriented) is used as thermal storage with phase change materials embedded in the wall. The study is based on both experimental and simulation studies. The concept considered is particularly suited t…

research product

Modeling and design of Net ZEBs as integrated energy systems

Net-zero energy buildings (Net ZEBs) are emerging as a quantifiable design concept and a promising solution to minimizing the environmental impact of buildings. This is the main concept that is focused on this chapter with emphasis on dynamic modeling and examples of technological approaches to achieve net-zero energy. Appropriate modeling of building-integrated solar energy systems is essential for the design of Net ZEBs and the study of optimal control strategies. The net-zero energy balance may be achieved through a combination of passive and active solar technologies, heat pumps, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption for lighting and applia…

research product

PCM Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings: Experimental Study and Applications

Abstract The study aims at analyzing the performance of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in residential housing for different climates. This paper presents the results of an experiment performed in the Concordia University Solar Simulator and Environmental Chamber research facility (SSEC, Montreal, Canada). PCM boards were embedded on the back wall of a test hut placedin the climatic chamber. Several experiments were performed to explore the potential for verification of the proposed analysis and to produce enough data to perform model calibrations. Results show a strong increase in the apparent thermal inertia of the room allowing for a reduction in daily temperature fluctuations in the test …

research product