Rt Di Rosa
Confronting the Medusa with Athena’s Shield: Empowering Social Workers with a Transformative Role in the Migration Field
Along with existing challenges, there are new ones leading social workers to become involved in increasingly international intervention processes. This has led to the development of the concept of International Social Work (Hugman, Moosa-Mitha & Moyo, 2010; Cox & Pawar, 2006; Dominelli, 2010), which provides a good opportunity to both depart from old patterns of administering aid (Healy 2008) and to embody a perception of itself as a transformative actor (Wintergerst 2017, p. 236). Assuming that it is true that the presence of different cultures acts as a catalyst in the processes of change in society, then this is equally valid for the development of this profession (Di Rosa, 2021)…
Unaccompanied minors in Sicily: promoting conceptualizations of child well-being through children’s own subjective realities
Understanding unaccompanied minors’ (UAMs’) individual migration journeys and aspirations and hopes helps make sense of the meaning they ascribe to their personal and social reality in their quest for integration and mobility. Although the well-being of children is considered to be of the utmost importance in contemporary times, we still lack good evidence of what children themselves regard as key facets of this, from their own life experiences. Identifying different domains and dimensions of children’s well-being and touching upon its multifaceted nature, this study presents an alternative framework, showing how the quality of the reception path is fundamental to having successful results …
Vulnerability in Migration: The Applicability of European Recommendations, International Reports and Guidelines to the Italian System of Reception and Social Services
The European Parliament’s Report focuses on the integration processes for a particular category of refugees, considered as belonging to “vulnerable groups”, namely women seeking international protection and female refugees. Women seeking international protection or refugees, in fact, are bearers of demands and needs which, in part, are specific to all those people who, often forced to abruptly abandon their countries of origin, seek protection in host countries, bringing with themselves a heavy burden of persecution, war, violence and poverty. The humanitarian response along the routes of the eastern Mediterranean and the western Balkans has set as a priority the introduction of measures to…
Servizio sociale e protezione delle donne richiedenti asilo e rifugiate vittime di violenza: valori, prassi e competenze professionali
La rilevanza riconosciuta al tema delle donne rifugiate e della loro protezione, nell’ampia produzione internazionale di documenti ufficiali, report e Linee Guida, testimonia un ampio consenso sulla centralità del tema, affermata già nel 1990 dall’Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati. Tanto le indicazioni fornite da vari organismi nazionali e internazionali, quanto diversi report nazionali e internazionali propongono unanimemente non solo l’individuazione di diverse procedure di accoglienza e trattamento, ma anche e soprattutto un serio investimento nella direzione della formazione di operatori in competenze capaci di rispondere adeguatamente alle istanze di questo partico…
The PROVIDE Traning Courses for proximity violence' professionals
The chapter describes a prototype of training course for "Expert operators in proximity violence" focusing on asylum-seeking migrant women victims of violence and implemented in three European States. In particular it defines: the rationale of training by modules in adapting individual abilities of professionals of migrazion field to the professional goals to be achieved (1), the methodological implementation of the PROVIDE courses (2) and the significance of the experiential seminars conducted (3).
Social Work and Welfare System in Italy: changes, critical issues, resiliencies
The emergence and growth of the professional figure of the social worker in Italy dates back to the 20th century, when the concept of social assistance witnessed a more concrete legislative application, through the affirmation of the Social State, the type of State that aims to guarantee not only equality and freedom to its citizens, but also, what is known as, “social well-being”: “the profession of social worker, being the progeny of industrial society, assumes the form of the functional specialization of modern social-welfare activity” (Gui 2004: 3). Since the early years of the last century, the social worker (or “social assistant” as it has been the term given in Italy to the social wo…