Michael Binder
Differential Expression of the Demosponge (Suberites domuncula) Carotenoid Oxygenases in Response to Light: Protection Mechanism Against the Self-Produced Toxic Protein (Suberitine)
The demosponge Suberites domuncula has been described to contain high levels of a proteinaceous toxin, Suberitine, that displays haemolytic activityIn the present study this 7–8 kDa polypeptide has been isolated and was shown to exhibit also cytotoxic effects on cells of the same species. Addition of retinal, a recently identified metabolite of β-carotene that is abundantly present in S. domuncula was found to reduce both the haemolytic and the cell toxic activity of Suberitine at a molar ratio of 1:1. Spectroscopic analyses revealed that the interaction between β-carotene and Suberitine can be ascribed to a reversible energy transfer reaction. The enzyme that synthesises retinal in the spo…
Interaction of the retinoic acid signaling pathway with spicule formation in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula through activation of bone morphogenetic protein-1
Abstract Background The formation of the spicules in siliceous sponges involves the formation of cylinder-like structures in the extraspicular space, composed of the enzyme silicatein and the calcium-dependent lectin. Scope of review Molecular cloning of the cDNAs (carotene dioxygenase, retinal dehydrogenase, and BMB-1 [bone morphogenic protein-1]) from the demosponge Suberites domuncula was performed. These tools were used to understand the retinoid metabolism in the animal by qRT-PCR, immunoblotting and TEM. Major conclusions We demonstrate that silintaphin-2, a silicatein-interacting protein, is processed from a longer-sized 15-kDa precursor to a truncated, shorter-sized 13 kDa calcium-b…
Functional Molecular Biodiversity: Assessing the Immune Status of Two Sponge Populations (Suberites domuncula) on the Molecular Level
. Porifera (sponges) are sessile filter feeders living primarily in the marine environment. In this study the population diversity of one species, the demosponge Suberites domuncula, has been investigated in an isolated area, the Limski Canal (LC) near Rovinj (Croatia; Mediterranean Sea), in comparison to that in the open sea (OS), only 10–20 km apart from the LC. The immune competence of the S. domuncula specimens was studied in response to exposure to the bacterial endotoxin LPS. The level of phosphorylation of the p38 kinase from specimens collected in LC is significantly lower than that of OS animals. To confirm the biochemical data on the molecular level, the technique of identificati…