Pekka Toivanen
Cross-cultural music cognition: cognitive methodology applied to North Sami yoiks
This article is a study of melodic expectancy in North Sami yoiks, a style of music quite distinct from Western tonal music. Three different approaches were taken. The first approach was a statistical style analysis of tones in a representative corpus of 18 yoiks. The analysis determined the relative frequencies of tone onsets and two- and three-tone transitions. It also identified style characteristics, such as pentatonic orientation, the presence of two reference pitches, the frequency of large consonant intervals, and a relatively large set of possible melodic continuations. The second approach was a behavioral experiment in which listeners made judgments about melodic continuations. Thr…
Dark-matter detection by LSP scattering
Reflections on North-South collaboration in music education
Security Threats in ZigBee-Enabled Systems: Vulnerability Evaluation, Practical Experiments, Countermeasures, and Lessons Learned
In this paper, two practical attacks against ZigBee security are proposed and the latter one is also carried out in our laboratory environment. The attack scenarios are based on utilizing several vulnerabilities found from the main security components of ZigBee technology. The first attack is based on sabotaging the ZigBee End-Device by sending a special signal that makes it wake-up constantly until the battery runs out. The second attack is based on exploiting the key exchange process in ZigBee when using the Standard Security level defined by the ZigBee specification: we also demonstrate with experimental figures that attacks against ZigBee-enabled devices become practical by using our at…