Rubus aetnicus Cupani ex Weston and R. canescens DC. (Rosaceae): an analysis
Beek (2016) argued that Rubus aetnicus Cupani ex Weston was the correct name of the taxon that was then called R. canescens DC., and which was previously known as R. tomentosus Borkh. Moreover, R. canescens was stated to be not identical with R. aetnicus, but rather a form of R. × collinus DC. Matzke-Hajek (2016) raised objections to both statements. Therefore, the aim of this study was to thoroughly analyse both names and support this analysis with field work at the type localities and by DNA data. Despite the correspondence at the investigated conservative DNA loci, the investigation showed that the two species are morphologically different and must be conceived as separate taxa. Accordin…