Federico Bonafini

NB PLC and Software Defined Networking for Smart Grid Applications

During the last years, the installation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and the expected diffusion of Electrical Vehicles (EVs), is increasing the complexity of the distribution grid, making the management of the grid operated by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) more difficult. The Smart Grid approach tries to provide a response to these troubles, by means of a strong interaction between the power grid and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures. The drawback of this approach is an increase in the management effort of the ICT infrastructures, for which the DSO are not prepared. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an approach developed to manage complex ICT…

research product

Characterization of IP-Based Communication for Smart Grid Using Software-Defined Networking

The smart grid (SG) approach is based on a strong interaction between the network communication infrastructure and the power grid. Usually the management of the infrastructure is done by the distribution system operators (DSOs) that are worried about the increasing managing complexity due to the presence of increasing number of distributed energy resources and electrical vehicles. The use of software-defined networking (SDN) may simplify the network configuration and management for DSO, as highlighted from previous research works. The objective of this paper is to introduce and characterize an internet protocol (IP)-based communication architecture with specialized SDN bridges operating als…

research product

An Experimental Characterization of Time of Arrival Accuracy for Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Smart Grid Solutions

The time synchronization of smart grid devices is a critical feature for the successful application of advanced grid monitoring and control techniques. Synchronization mechanisms based on the accurate estimation of the Time of Arrival (ToA) of network messages - sent over power line cables - are a promising solution to achieve synchronization tasks over distribution lines. In this paper, a chirp-based synchronization technique over the Medium Voltage (MV) grid has been proposed and characterized. Such approach has the benefit of not requiring the installation of a dedicated infrastructure, thanks to the exploitation of power distribution lines for the transmission of time synchronization da…

research product

Design of a Time Dissemination System Using Chirp Modulation for Medium Voltage Smart Grid Applications

The monitoring and the management of smart grid require an advanced communication infrastructure. The time synchronization is among the most important services such an infrastructure should offer. Several solutions are available to disseminate the time information in a distributed system; for instance, most of the times a global positioning system (GPS) receiver is used to recover accurate time information. However, GPS receivers need a clear view of the sky. Other solutions, like the use of a network-based synchronization mechanism, require a dedicated communication infrastructure, which is not always feasible for economical reason. Thus, the use of the power grid itself to disseminate a t…

research product