A. V. Prokhorov
Nonlinear interaction of light with Bose-Einstein condensate: new methods to generate subpoissonian light
We consider $\Lambda$-type model of the Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium atoms interacting with the light. Coefficients of the Kerr-nonlinearity in the condensate can achieve large and negative values providing the possibility for effective control of group velocity and dispersion of the probe pulse. We find a regime when the observation of the "slow" and "fast" light propagating without absorption becomes achievable due to strong nonlinearity. An effective two-level quantum model of the system is derived and studied based on the su(2) polynomial deformation approach. We propose an efficient way for generation of subpoissonian fields in the Bose-Einstein condensate at time-scales much sho…
Magnetic-field-enhanced outgoing excitonic resonance in multi-phonon Raman scattering from polar semiconductors
A combined scattering mechanism involving the states of free electron-hole pairs (exciton continuum) and discrete excitons as intermediate states in the multi-phonon Raman scattering leads to (1) a strong increase of the scattering efficiency in the presence of a high magnetic field and to (2) an outgoing excitonic resonance: the two features are not compatible when only free pairs (leading to a strong increase of the scattering efficiency under the applied magnetic field) or discrete excitons (resulting in the outgoing resonance at the excitonic gap) are taken into account.
Cosmic ray effect on the X-ray Trigger Telescope of UFFO/Lomonosov using YSO scintillation crystal array in space
UFFO Burst Alert and Trigger telescope (UBAT) is the X-ray trigger telescope of UFFO/Lomonosov to localize X-ray source with coded mask method and X-ray detector. Its X-ray detector is made up of 36 8×8 pixels Yttrium OxyorthoSilicate (Y2SiO5:Ce, YSO) scintillation crystal arrays and 36 64-channel Multi-Anode PhotoMultiplier Tubes (MAPMTs) for space mission. Its effective detection area is 161cm2 and energy range is several keV to 150 keV. It was successfully launched in April 28, 2016. In several calibration run, we got several X-ray background data. We already knew X-ray background flux is 2-3 counts/cm2/sec in space. However our X-ray background data shows approximately 7-8 times higher …
Comparison cosmic ray irradiation simulation and particle beam test on UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger telescope(UBAT) detectors
Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory pathfinder(UFFO-p) was launched onboard Lomonosov on 28th of April, 2016, and now is under various types of calibration for detection of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Since last September UFFO-p has taken X-ray data in space with UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger telescope (UBAT), those X-rays are mostly diffused backgrounds however, the rate turns out to be higher than expected by a factor of three. We assumed cosmic rays can contribute by making the count rate higher. We did such a simulation to investigate the effect of cosmic rays. In December 2016, we irradiated fragmented high energy heavy ions at CERN on the UBAT detector. We will report the result of comparison betw…