M. Romestaing

Comparison of British and French expatriate doctors’ characteristics and motivations

Objective The aim of this study was to analyse the migration of doctors between the UK and France, in an attempt to identify the reasons for these migrations. Design This was a cross-sectional study conducted using a self-completed questionnaire. Setting The questionnaire was sent to all British doctors practising in France and to all French doctors practising in the UK. Participants The doctors were identified, thanks to official data of the National Medical Councils. There were 244 French doctors practising in the UK and 86 British doctors practising in France. Outcome measures A questionnaire was specifically developed for the study to determine the reasons why doctors moved to the other…

research product

Comparaison des caractéristiques et des motivations des médecins expatriés français et britanniques

Resume Position du probleme Les phenomenes migratoires dans les populations de medecins etant encore peu etudies, malgre l’importante de connaitre la demographie medicale, cette etude vise a determiner les caracteristiques et les motivations des medecins francais installes au Royaume-Uni et des medecins britanniques installes en France. Methodes Il s’agit d’une etude transversale par auto-questionnaire adresse en 2005 a tous les medecins francais exercant en Grande-Bretagne et en 2009 a tous les medecins britanniques exercant en France, en utilisant les donnees officielles des conseils nationaux de medecins. Ce questionnaire, developpe pour l’etude et envoye par courrier, explorait les moti…

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