Keller M
A GCIG international survey: clinical practice patterns of sentinel lymph node biopsies in cervical cancer
PURPOSE: To evaluate the practice patterns among centers and physicians worldwide regarding sentinel lymph node biopsies (SLNB) in cervical cancer (CC) patients. METHOD: A validated 35-item questionnaire regarding SLNB in CC supported by the Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG), and sponsored by the North-Eastern German Society of Gynaecologic-Oncology (NOGGO) was sent to all major gynecological cancer societies across the globe for further distribution from October 2015 and continued for a period of 7 months. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-one institutions from around the world participated. One hundred and six (66%) of the participants were from university centers and one hundred and elev…
Von Willebrand-Syndrom - Blutungsrisiko bei HNO-Eingriffen im Kindesalter
Von Willebrand's disease (vWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. Typical clinical features such as bleeding after surgery or trauma might suggest the disease. We present a series of 24 patients with vWD treated between 1989 and 1992. Diagnosis was confirmed by a reduction in plasma factor VIII antigen concentration, reduction of ristocetin cofactor activity and reduced factor VIII activity. Seventeen of the patients underwent surgery (7 adenoidectomies, 8 tonsillectomies, 2 paranasal sinus operations) and received preoperative stimulation of von Willebrand factor (vWF) using DDAVP. This resulted in a rapid increase in plasma vWF concentration from an average of 56% before stim…