A. P. Lobanov
Evidence for shock-shock interaction in the jet of CTA 102
We have found evidence for interaction between a standing and a traveling shock in the jet of the blazar CTA 102. Our result is based in the study of the spectral evolution of the turnover frequency-turnover flux density plane. The radio/mm light curves were taken during a major radio outburst in April 2006.
Core-shift and spectral analysis of the 2006 radio flare in CTA102
Physical properties of the jet in 0836+710 revealed by its transversal structure(Corrigendum)
Perucho & Lobanov (2007) (PL07, from now on) presented results demonstrating that the jet in 0836+710 has a significant velocity shear layer. These authors used a set of jet parameters found by Lobanov et al. (1998) (including Lorentz factor γ = 11, Mach number Mj = 6, and jet/ambient medium density ratio ρj/ρa = 0.04). They studied different characteristic wavelengths that may develop in a jet with both a thin ( 10% of the jet radius) and a thick shear-ayer ( 60% of the jet radius). The result showed that the observed wavelengths in the jet structure could be more easily explained in terms of a transversally stratified jet. A mistake was, however made in PL07: the equation used to convert …
Catching the radio flare in CTA 102. II. VLBI kinematic analysis
Catching the radio flare in CTA 102. III. Core-shift and spectral analysis
Catching the radio flare in CTA 102
We performed multifrequency multiepoch Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the blazar CTA 102 during its 2006 radio flare, the strongest ever reported for this source. These observations provide an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of the physical properties of blazars, especially during these flaring events. We want to study the kinematic changes in the source during the strong radio outburst in April 2006 and test the assumption of a shock-shock interaction. This assumption is based on the analysis and modeling of the single-dish observations of CTA\,102 (Paper I). In this paper we study the kinematics of CTA 102 at several frequencies using VLBI observations.…
Multiband RadioAstron space VLBI imaging of the jet in quasar S5 0836+710
Open Access article, published by EDP Sciences, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.-- Open Access funding provided by Max Planck Society.