Carmen Blanco
Cephalopod prey of two Ziphius cavirostris (Cetacea) stranded on the western Mediterranean coast
The stomach contents of two Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), male and female, stranded on the western Mediterranean coast were analysed. Food consisted exclusively of hard cephalopod remains. The character of this teuthophagous diet agrees with the offshore and deep diving behaviour of Z. cavirostris.
Dieta del delfín de Risso (Grampus griseus) en el Mediterráneo occidental
The diet of Risso’s dolphin in the Mediterranean is described based on 15 animals stranded between 40°25’N 00°32’W and 37°35’N 00°45’E from April 1987 to January 2003. The prey were mainly oceanic cephalopods. Pelagic octopods, especially A. argo, were the most abundant (mean = 41.28%; SD±34.32). Species belonging to the families Ommastrephidae, Histioteuthidae and Onychoteuthidae were also frequent components of its diet. The bathymetric distribution of cephalopods shows that Risso’s dolphin preferentially feeds on the middle slope (600 to 800 m depth) in the Mediterranean.
How students perceive the university's mission in a Spanish university: Liberal versus entrepreneurial education?
AbstractThis study explores the extent to which undergraduate students perceive a dichotomy between a liberal vs. an entrepreneurial model of university. This research is important in that it compares the stated aims of university education, particularly within the Bologna Process, with students' expectations regarding liberal education and employability. A Likert-type questionnaire containing 25 statements reflecting liberal and entrepreneurial features of university education was answered by 488 students from 10 disciplines at the University of Valencia, Spain, just before the implantation of the Bologna curriculum. An exploratory factor analysis revealed that students clearly perceive th…
Diet of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the western Mediterranean Sea
The stomach contents of 16 bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus (Cetacea: Odontoceti) stranded in the Spanish Mediterranean coast were examined. Remains and size of prey were analysed and correlated with the ecological characteristics and behavioural patterns of this dolphin. Fish and cephalopods represented the main diet components, and hake Merluccius merluccius was the most important prey. The food habits were considered as mainly demersal according to the characteristics of the prey. The study suggested ontogenic and sexual differences in feeding behaviour based on diet composition and hake size. The potential causative factors, particularly as they relate to dolphin social structure,…
Consumption of pelagic tunicates by cetaceans calves in the Mediterranean Sea
Gelatinous zooplankton, including jellyfish, ctenophores and pelagic tunicates, constitutes fragile marine animals that live in the water column, and represent an important resource for marine food webs through their seasonal pulses. Although there is scarce evidence on the occurrence of gelatinous zooplankton in stomach contents of apex, endothermic predators such as cetaceans, the ecological significance of such observations requires consideration. In this study, we report on the occurrence of pelagic tunicates in the stomach of three individual calves of two cetacean species from the western Mediterranean, and collate all previous reports of gelatinous zooplankton in cetacean diets. We t…
Distribution of Brachionus species in Spanish mediterranean wetlands
In this study 200 zooplankton samples were Burjassotcollected (1979–1980), from 57 different wetlands in coastal Mediterranean Spain (CMS) and examined for the occurrence of Brachionus species. Data on 17 separate physical and chemical features of these water bodies were obtained from samples collected at the same time. Ten different Brachionus species were found in these wetlands, but only six occurred frequently enough to allow further examination of their distributional patterns using multivariate discriminant analysis. To separate these species, three analyses were performed using the 17 physical and chemical parameters, or their ratios. Three discriminant functions accounted for 80% or…
Diet of Risso's dolphin (<i>Grampus griseus</i>) in the western Mediterranean Sea
The diet of Risso’s dolphin in the Mediterranean is described based on 15 animals stranded between 40°25’N 00°32’W and 37°35’N 00°45’E from April 1987 to January 2003. The prey were mainly oceanic cephalopods. Pelagic octopods, especially A. argo, were the most abundant (mean = 41.28%; SD±34.32). Species belonging to the families Ommastrephidae, Histioteuthidae and Onychoteuthidae were also frequent components of its diet. The bathymetric distribution of cephalopods shows that Risso’s dolphin preferentially feeds on the middle slope (600 to 800 m depth) in the Mediterranean.
Cephalopods in the diet of the striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba from the western Mediterranean during an epizootic in 1990
Fifteen cephalopod species from 28 stomach contents of striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833), stranded during an epizootic on the western Mediterranean coast in summer 1990, were analysed. Albraliopsis pfefferi, Onychoteuthis banksii, Todarodes sagittatus and Brachioteuthis riisei are species showing higher relative importance indices. Composition and characteristics of cephalopod preys were discussed and compared to the scarce literature for this cetacean. The data showed a mixed diet of muscular and gelatinous body squids, mainly consisting of oceanic and pelagic or bathypelagic species.