Mikko Kuussaari

Reilu ruokamurros : Polkuja kestävään ja oikeudenmukaiseen ruokajärjestelmään

Ruokajärjestelmämme kärsivät monista yhteen kietoutuneista kestävyysongelmista. Ongelmia ei korjata yksittäisillä teknologisilla ratkaisuilla, vaan muutoksia tarvitaan läpi koko ruokajärjestelmän. Muutosten laajuuden vuoksi on syytä puhua järjestelmän perustavanlaatuisesta muuttamisesta eli ruokamurroksesta. Tässä julkaisussa tarkastelemme, miten ruokajärjestelmän ilmastopäästöjä voitaisiin vähentää Suomessa siten, että ruokaturva ei vaarannu. Arvioimme ilmastotoimien toteutusta eri murrospoluilla, jotka keskittyvät maankäytön, ruokavalioiden, maatalous- ja ruokateknologioiden muutoksiin. Arvioimme eri murrospolkujen vaikutuksia maatalouteen eri alueilla ja eri väestöryhmien ravitsemukseen.…

research product

Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches

Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species' positions shift within their climatic niches. Furthermore, whether the relative importance of different climatic variables prompting such shifts varies with changing climate remains unclear. Here we analysed four decades of data for 1,478 species of birds, mammals, butterflies, moths, plants and phytoplankton along a 1,200 km high latitudinal gradient. The relative importance of climatic drivers varied non-uniformly with progressing climate change. While species turnover among decades was limited, the …

research product

Effects of Natura 2000 on nontarget bird and butterfly species based on citizen science data

The European Union's Natura 2000 (N2000) is among the largest international networks of protected areas. One of its aims is to secure the status of a predetermined set of (targeted) bird and butterfly species. However, nontarget species may also benefit from N2000. We evaluated how the terrestrial component of this network affects the abundance of nontargeted, more common bird and butterfly species based on data from long-term volunteer-based monitoring programs in 9602 sites for birds and 2001 sites for butterflies. In almost half of the 155 bird species assessed, and particularly among woodland specialists, abundance increased (slope estimates ranged from 0.101 [SD 0.042] to 3.51 [SD 1.30…

research product

Linking pollinator abundance in field margins to crop pollination service

Crop pollination services are an often-used argument for supporting pollinators in agricultural landscapes. However, the link between pollinator occurrence in the proximity of fields and realized crop pollination service remains poorly studied. We examined how the abundance of different pollinator taxa in field margins predicts pollination services in adjacent insect-pollinated crop in boreal agricultural landscapes. Additionally, we studied how pollinators in field margins are affected by pesticide use and landscape structure. We conducted a field experiment in 34 spring-sown turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera) fields and their permanent margins in Southern Finland in summer 2017. Th…

research product

Evidence for positive population-level effects of an agri-environment scheme on grassland butterflies

Many studies have reported positive effects of agri-environment schemes (AES) on species richness and abundance, but studies demonstrating demographic, population-level responses, which is the desired outcome from AES, are rare. This is at least partly due to the difficulty in distinguishing between behavioural and demographic effects in snapshot studies. Here we report positive population-level effects of environmental set-asides (currently included in the national AES of fallows in Finland) in grassland butterflies and day-active moths. We firstly identified a set of conditions that a species should meet in order to succeed in establishing a local population in an area where the focal agr…

research product