Filtrering og UV-bestråling - veien fra avløpsvann til vanningsvann
As world water demand grows, its reclamation and reuse becomes increasingly important. It is expected that global demand for water will exceed supply by 40% in 2030. In addition, it is expected that the world population will pass 8.5, 9.7 and 10.9 billion people by the end of 2030, 2050 and 2100 respectively. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of UV-light for wastewater disinfection. The quality of wastewater for reuse purposes, such as irrigation, must be in compliance with EU regulations. One of the main purposes of wastewater disinfection is to ensure permanent inactivation and prevent UV-repair of microorganisms, such as thermotolerant coliform bacteria (TCB) includi…