Artis Mednis
RoadMic: Road Surface Monitoring Using Vehicular Sensor Networks with Microphones
Road surface analysis including pothole reports is an important problem for road maintainers and drivers. In this paper we propose a methodology for pothole detection using mobile vehicles equipped with off the shelf microphone and global positioning devices attached to an on-board computer. The approach is generic enough to be extended for other kind of event detection using different sensors as well. The vehicles are driving on public streets and measuring pothole induced sound signals. Our approach was tested and evaluated by real world experiments in a road segment for which we had established the ground truth beforehand. The results show pothole detection with high accuracy despite the…
Implementation of participatory sensing approach in mobile vehicle based sensor networks
In this paper author describes his research with the goal to develop and experimentally verify specific data recording and processing methodologies based on participatory sensing approach implementation in mobile vehicle based sensor networks. To reach this goal, author performed study of literature, testing of hypothesis using general purpose computer devices, adaptation of smartphones for participatory sensing, development of special purpose embedded devices, practical experiments with selected technical equipment and software as well as gathering of experimental results and following statistical analysis. The result of this research are several data acquisition and processing methodologi…
LynxNet: Wild Animal Monitoring Using Sensor Networks
Monitoring wild animals, especially those that are becoming endangered (for example, lynxes and wolves) is important for biology researchers. Solutions for the monitoring already exist; however, they all have drawbacks, such as limited range or lifetime, sensing modality, reporting delays, unreliability of operation. In this work we describe our experiences in designing an improved animal monitoring sensor system and low-level software for sensor node control and communication. The target animals for this particular research are wild lynxes or canines, however it can be extended to other animal species. The LynxNet system is based on tracking collars, built around TMote Mini sensor nodes, s…
Lāzeru izmantošana objektu trīsdimansiju modeļu izveidē
Šajā darbā aprakstīts autora veikts pētījums par eksistējošām metodēm, kuras tiek izmantotas, lai iegūtu datus objektu trīsdimensiju modeļu izveidei. Kā darba mērķis tika izvirzīts uzdevums atrast vienu optimālu metodi vai vairāku atsevišķu metožu kombināciju, kuru būtu iespējams pielietot praktiska aparatūras/programmatūras modeļa būvē, izmantojot plaši pieejamas komponentes. Mērķa sasniegšanai izmantotas literatūras studijas, kā arī praktiski eksperimenti ar tehnoloģiskajām iekārtām un programmatūru. Darba rezultāts ir oriģinālas objektu trīsdimensiju skenēšanas sistēmas projekts un uz šī projekta bāzes veikta sistēmas praktiskā implementācija.
Dalīto sistēmu izmantošana transporta līdzekļu kustības raksturlielumu fiksēšanā un apstrādē
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Adaptive Vehicle Mode Monitoring Using Embedded Devices with Accelerometers
Monitoring of specific attributes such as vehicle speed and fuel consumption as well as cargo safety is an important problem for transport domain. This task is performed using specific multiagent monitoring systems. To ensure secure operation of such systems they should have autonomous and adaptive behaviour.
Classification of Actual Sensor Network Deployments in Research Studies from 2013 to 2017
Technologies, such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT), have captured the imagination of researchers, businesses, and general public, due to breakthroughs in embedded system development, sensing technologies, and ubiquitous connectivity in recent years. That resulted in the emergence of an enormous, difficult-to-navigate body of work related to WSN and IoT. In an ongoing research effort to highlight trends and developments in these technologies and to see whether they are actually deployed rather than subjects of theoretical research with presumed potential use cases, we gathered and codified a dataset of scientific publications from a five-year period from 2013 t…
SADmote: A Robust and Cost-Effective Device for Environmental Monitoring
Time to deployment for wireless sensor networks could be reduced by using commercial sensor nodes. However, this may lead to suboptimal flexibility, power consumption and cost of the system. Our pilot deployment for precision agriculture and fruit growing research showed similar conclusions and outlined the design decisions leading to SADmote: a new sensor node for environmental monitoring. It was evaluated both in the lab and field, showing improved energy consumption over commercial solutions such as Tmote Sky and Waspmote.