Mārtiņš Kalniņš

Mikroorganismu aktivitātes novērtēšana un stimulēšana eksperimentālajā "Zaļās sienas" sistēmā

Iekštelpu gaisa piesārņojums ir problēma ar ko bieži saskaras gan biroju, gan skolu darbinieki. Lai samazinātu gaisa piesārņojumu telpās tiek lietotas aktīvās gaisa ventilācijas, tomēr pastāv arī savādāki paņēmieni iekštelpu gaisa attīrīšanā. Viens no tādiem paņēmieniem ir “Zaļas sienas” sistēmas. Darba mērķis bija pētīt keramikas granulu, mikroorganismu konsorciju un augu sugu ietekmi uz imobilizēto mikroorganismu aktivitāti. Darbā salīdzināja keramikas granulu, mikroorganismu konsorciju, augu sugu ietekmi uz bioplēvju mikroorganismu koloniju veidojošo vienību skaitu, fluoresceīna diacetāta hidrolīzes, potenciālā amonija oksidācijas un indol-3-etiķskābes sintēzes aktivitāti. Tika novērots,…

research product

Modification of polyoxymethylene for increased thermal resistance

Ternary nanocomposites, composed of polyoxymethylene (POM), ethylene octene copolymer and zinc oxide (ZnO), are prepared by melt compounding. The effects of two types of ethylene-octene copolymers, differing with α-octene content (38% for EOC38 and 17% for EOC17), as well as nanostructured ZnO on thermal behavior of POM are investigated. The content of EOC in the POM based composites is varied between 10 and 50 wt%, while the content of ZnO is 2 wt%. Thermal behavior of POM based systems are studied by using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results of thermogravimetric analysis show that, by rising either …

research product

Spāru (Odonata) sugu sastāva izmaiņas, telpiskais sadalījums un to ietekmējošie faktori Latvijā

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Evaluation of Glyphosate Ecotoxicity and Biodegradability in the Municipal Wastewaters

Glyphosate (G) is a broad-spectrum systemic organophosphate herbicide being widely used to control weeds in agricultural fields and urban areas. Its safety for both human health and aquatic biomes is a subject of wide debate. This study was aimed at evaluating the removal efficiency and ecotoxicity of G based herbicide (GBH) Klinik® (Nufarm, Austria) added to the raw municipal wastewater (WW) in a lab-scale model column system. The effect of oxide ceramics as a filtering medium (treatment „B”), as well as activated sludge and nutrients (treatment „C”) was compared with the control columns, which contained only WW (treatment „A”). After 72h treatment of WW spiked with 100 mg/L G, the lowest …

research product

Selective enrichment of heterotrophic nitrifiers <em>Alcaligenaceae</em> and <em>Alcanivorax</em> spp. from industrial wastewaters

Removal of nitrogen from wastewaters (WW) represents a global problem. The low nitrification rate during WW treatment is often caused by ecotoxicity. This problem is attributed mostly to the industrial WW. Our study was focused on the testing of industrial WW and activated sludge (AS) with the aim to reveal the abundance of nitrifiers and increase their biomass, thus, providing the additional step, i.e., bioaugmentation, within the technological process of WW treatment. Plating of AS on the selective solidified media designated for the 1st and 2nd nitrification stages, resulted in the shift in bacterial community structure with dominated Alcaligenaceae and Alcanivorax for the 1st stage, and…

research product

Records and Distribution Corrections on Palaearctic Tenebrionoidea (Coleoptera)

Records and faunistic information are provided for 96 Palaearctic species of tenebrionoid beetles of the families Aderidae, Anthicidae, Melandryidae, Mordellidae, Mycetophagidae, Oedemeridae, Prostomidae, Pyrochroidae, Tenebrionidae and Tetratomidae. The first records of Agnathus decoratus Germar, 1818, Cynaeus angustus (Le Conte, 1851), Mordella huetheri Ermisch, 1956 and Prostomis mandibularis (Fabricius, 1801) for the whole Baltic region of Europe are presented.

research product