Giorgia Bellomonte
Bessel sequences, Riesz-like bases and operators in Triplets of Hilbert spaces
Riesz-like bases for a triplet of Hilbert spaces are investigated, in connection with an analogous study for more general rigged Hilbert spaces performed in a previous paper. It is shown, in particular, that every \(\omega \)-independent, complete (total) Bessel sequence is a (strict) Riesz-like basis in a convenient triplet of Hilbert spaces. An application to non self-adjoint Schrodinger-type operators is considered. Moreover, some of the simplest operators we can define by them and their dual bases are studied.
Riesz-like bases in rigged Hilbert spaces
The notions of Bessel sequence, Riesz-Fischer sequence and Riesz basis are generalized to a rigged Hilbert space $\D[t] \subset \H \subset \D^\times[t^\times]$. A Riesz-like basis, in particular, is obtained by considering a sequence $\{\xi_n\}\subset \D$ which is mapped by a one-to-one continuous operator $T:\D[t]\to\H[\|\cdot\|]$ into an orthonormal basis of the central Hilbert space $\H$ of the triplet. The operator $T$ is, in general, an unbounded operator in $\H$. If $T$ has a bounded inverse then the rigged Hilbert space is shown to be equivalent to a triplet of Hilbert spaces.
On non-self-adjoint operators defined by Riesz bases in Hilbert and rigged Hilbert spaces
In this paper we discuss some results on non self-adjoint Hamiltonians with real discrete simple spectrum under the assumption that their eigenvectors form Riesz bases of a certain Hilbert space. Also, we exhibit a generalization of those results to the case of rigged Hilbert spaces, and we also consider the problem of the factorization of the aforementioned Hamiltonians in terms of generalized lowering and raising operators.
Closedness and lower semicontinuity of positive sesquilinear forms
The relationship between the notion of closedness, lower semicontinuity and completeness (of a quotient) of the domain of a positive sesquilinear form defined on a subspace of a topological vector space is investigated and sufficient conditions for their equivalence are given.
Extensions of Representable Positive Linear Functionals to Unitized Quasi *-Algebras: A New Method
In this paper we introduce a topological approach for extending a representable linear functional \({\omega}\), defined on a topological quasi *-algebra without unit, to a representable linear functional defined on a quasi *-algebra with unit. In particular, we suppose that \({\omega}\) is continuous and the positive sesquilinear form \({\varphi_\omega}\), associated with \({\omega}\), is closable and prove that the extension \({\overline{\varphi_\omega}^e}\) of the closure \({\overline{\varphi_\omega}}\) is an i.p.s. form. By \({\overline{\varphi_\omega}^e}\) we construct the desired extension.
Quasi *-algebras arising from extensions of positive linear functionals
In this paper we show how some known quasi *-algebras can also be obtained through the construction of slight extensions of nonclosable positive linear functionals defined on dense *-subalgebras Ao of given topological *-algebras. Moreover, we consider also, for each of the functionals we present, their absolutely convergent extensions and the GNS *-representations of the quasi *-algebras arising in the process of extension.
Bounded elements of C*-inductive locally convex spaces
The notion of bounded element of C*-inductive locally convex spaces (or C*-inductive partial *-algebras) is introduced and discussed in two ways: The first one takes into account the inductive structure provided by certain families of C*-algebras; the second one is linked to the natural order of these spaces. A particular attention is devoted to the relevant instance provided by the space of continuous linear maps acting in a rigged Hilbert space.
Rigged Hilbert spaces and contractive families of Hilbert spaces
The existence of a rigged Hilbert space whose extreme spaces are, respectively, the projective and the inductive limit of a directed contractive family of Hilbert spaces is investigated. It is proved that, when it exists, this rigged Hilbert space is the same as the canonical rigged Hilbert space associated to a family of closable operators in the central Hilbert space.
Quasi *-algebras and generalized inductive limits of C*-algebras
Weak A-frames and weak A-semi-frames
After reviewing the interplay between frames and lower semi-frames, we introduce the notion of lower semi-frame controlled by a densely defined operator $A$ or, for short, a weak lower $A$-semi-frame and we study its properties. In particular, we compare it with that of lower atomic systems, introduced in (GB). We discuss duality properties and we suggest several possible definitions for weak $A$-upper semi-frames. Concrete examples are presented.
Slight extensions of positive linear functionals: two concrete realizations.
In this paper we show, in full details, some example of slight extensions of a nonclosable positive linear functional ώ defined on a dense *-subalgebra Ao of a given topological *-algebra.
Extensions of representable linear functionals to unitized quasi *-algebras
This paper starts from noting that, under certain conditions, *-representability and extensibility to the unitized *-algebra of a positive linear functional, defined on a *-algebra without unit, are equivalent. Here some conditions for the equivalence of the same concepts for a hermitian linear functional defined on a quasi *-algebra $(\A,\Ao)$ without unit are given. The approach is twofold: on the one hand, conditions for the equivalence are exhibited by introducing a condition for the *- representability of the extension of a *-representable functional to the unitized quasi *-algebra, on the other hand a *-representable extension to the unitization of a hermitian linear functional by mea…
Frame-related Sequences in Chains and Scales of Hilbert Spaces
Frames for Hilbert spaces are interesting for mathematicians but also important for applications in, e.g., signal analysis and physics. In both mathematics and physics, it is natural to consider a full scale of spaces, and not only a single one. In this paper, we study how certain frame-related properties of a certain sequence in one of the spaces, such as completeness or the property of being a (semi-) frame, propagate to the other ones in a scale of Hilbert spaces. We link that to the properties of the respective frame-related operators, such as analysis or synthesis. We start with a detailed survey of the theory of Hilbert chains. Using a canonical isomorphism, the properties of frame se…
Studio sperimentale del moto di un carrello su un piano inclinato: una proposta didattica
Il presente lavoro riguarda una proposta didattica sulla cinematica, formulata durante il Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA) per la classe A049 “Matematica e Fisica” che, a parere dell’autrice, è spendibile in tutti gli Istituti di istruzione superiore dotati delle necessarie attrezzature di laboratorio The present paper concerns a didactical proposal about cinematics, developed during the TFA (a one-year program for secondary school teacher training) which, according to the author, is spendable in every school which is endowed with the necessary laboratory equipment.
Erratumąddendum to the paper: ``Quasi*-algebras and generalized inductive limits of C*-algebras'' (Studia Math. 202 (2011), 165–190)
Hamiltonians defined by biorthogonal sets
In some recent papers, the studies on biorthogonal Riesz bases has found a renewed motivation because of their connection with pseudo-hermitian Quantum Mechanics, which deals with physical systems described by Hamiltonians which are not self-adjoint but still may have real point spectra. Also, their eigenvectors may form Riesz, not necessarily orthonormal, bases for the Hilbert space in which the model is defined. Those Riesz bases allow a decomposition of the Hamiltonian, as already discussed is some previous papers. However, in many physical models, one has to deal not with o.n. bases or with Riesz bases, but just with biorthogonal sets. Here, we consider the more general concept of $\mat…
Vector Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Variational Inequalities
In this paper, a new sufficient condition is given in order a vector variational inequality is well-posed. This condition uses generalized convexity assumptions and can be also used in order to prove the well-posedness of a vector optimization problem.
Order boundedness and spectrum in locally convex quasi *-algebras
After a quick sketch of the basic aspects of locally convex quasi *-algebras, we focus on order bounded elements and use them to analyze some spectral properties, trying to generalize the approach already studied in the Banach case.
Frames and weak frames for unbounded operators
In 2012 G\u{a}vru\c{t}a introduced the notions of $K$-frame and of atomic system for a linear bounded operator $K$ in a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, in order to decompose its range $\mathcal{R}(K)$ with a frame-like expansion. In this article we revisit these concepts for an unbounded and densely defined operator $A:\mathcal{D}(A)\to\mathcal{H}$ in two different ways. In one case we consider a non-Bessel sequence where the coefficient sequence depends continuously on $f\in\mathcal{D}(A)$ with respect to the norm of $\mathcal{H}$. In the other case we consider a Bessel sequence and the coefficient sequence depends continuously on $f\in\mathcal{D}(A)$ with respect to the graph norm of $A$.
Absolutely Convergent Extensions of Nonclosable Positive Linear Functionals
The existence of extensions of a positive linear functional ω defined on a dense *-subalgebra \({\mathfrak{A}_0}\) of a topological *-algebra \({\mathfrak{A}}\), satisfying certain regularity conditions, is examined. The main interest is focused on the case where ω is nonclosable and sufficient conditions for the existence of an absolutely convergent extension of ω are given.
Fully representable and*-semisimple topological partial*-algebras
We continue our study of topological partial *-algebras, focusing our attention to *-semisimple partial *-algebras, that is, those that possess a {multiplication core} and sufficiently many *-representations. We discuss the respective roles of invariant positive sesquilinear (ips) forms and representable continuous linear functionals and focus on the case where the two notions are completely interchangeable (fully representable partial *-algebras) with the scope of characterizing a *-semisimple partial *-algebra. Finally we describe various notions of bounded elements in such a partial *-algebra, in particular, those defined in terms of a positive cone (order bounded elements). The outcome …
Operators in Rigged Hilbert spaces: some spectral properties
A notion of resolvent set for an operator acting in a rigged Hilbert space $\D \subset \H\subset \D^\times$ is proposed. This set depends on a family of intermediate locally convex spaces living between $\D$ and $\D^\times$, called interspaces. Some properties of the resolvent set and of the corresponding multivalued resolvent function are derived and some examples are discussed.
CQ*-algebras and noncommutative measure
In this paper we continue the investigations in [4], [5], [8], [13], [14], [15], and [19], of the structure of quasi *-algebras and extend the results in [1] and [2]. Here, noncommutative Tp-spaces are shown to constitute examples of a class of Banach C*-modules called CQ*-algebras. Moreover, it is shown that any (strongly) *-semisimple proper CQ*-algebra (X ,A), with A a separable C*-algebra, can be represented as a CQ*-algebra of type Tp.
An overview on bounded elements in some partial algebraic structures
The notion of bounded element is fundamental in the framework of the spectral theory. Before implanting a spectral theory in some algebraic or topological structure it is needed to establish which are its bounded elements. In this paper, we want to give an overview on bounded elements of some particular algebraic and topological structures, summarizing our most recent results on this matter.
Continuous frames for unbounded operators
Few years ago G\u{a}vru\c{t}a gave the notions of $K$-frame and atomic system for a linear bounded operator $K$ in a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ in order to decompose $\mathcal{R}(K)$, the range of $K$, with a frame-like expansion. These notions are here generalized to the case of a densely defined and possibly unbounded operator on a Hilbert space $A$ in a continuous setting, thus extending what have been done in a previous paper in a discrete framework.