C Di Giorgio

The evolution of European Medicines Agency drug approval: the adaptive licensing

Editorial without abstract

research product

PS-075 Evaluation of fall risks in elderly patients

Background Falls among hospitalised elderly patients are a major public health concern since they can cause loss of independence, injury and sometimes patient death. Purpose To examine risk factors, especially drugs, potentially related to falls in elderly patients and to define possible actions. Materials and methods A retrospective (May 1 2010–March 31 2013) study was performed at ISMETT, a 90-bed hospital. Patient characteristics (age/gender/body mass index, BMI), clinical conditions (diagnosis/comorbidity), ward (Intensive Care Unit, Step-Down Unit, Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit and Abdominal Surgery Unit), length of stay, number of medicines taken within three days before falling and sev…

research product

The evolution of European Medicines Agency drug approval: the adaptive licensing: Table 1

In March 2014, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) launched a pilot project of ‘adaptive licensing’ to speed up access to drugs in development, in order to respond to unmet medical needs. The project will involve parallel scientific advice from the regulatory agency, pharmaceutical industry, the companies Health Technology Assessment (HTAs) bodies, organisations studying guidelines on clinical treatment and patient associations. The traditional process of drug authorisation is divided into several parts, involving in vitro studies and in vivo studies in animals (preclinical studies), as well as phase 1–3 randomised controlled trials conducted in humans over a predefined period. When authori…

research product

Search for eccentric binary black hole mergers with advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo during their first and second observing runs

When formed through dynamical interactions, stellar-mass binary black holes may retain eccentric orbits ($e>0.1$ at 10 Hz) detectable by ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. Eccentricity can therefore be used to differentiate dynamically-formed binaries from isolated binary black hole mergers. Current template-based gravitational-wave searches do not use waveform models associated to eccentric orbits, rendering the search less efficient to eccentric binary systems. Here we present results of a search for binary black hole mergers that inspiral in eccentric orbits using data from the first and second observing runs (O1 and O2) of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. The search uses min…

research product

DD-008 Monitoring of the adherence to therapies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension

Background Adherence to the treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an important aspect of chronic disease management to improve the efficacy of treatment. 1 Purpose The study aimed to evaluate adherence to long-term drug treatments for PAH. Material and methods From 01/01/2010 to 04/01/2014 a retrospective analysis was done on therapeutic plans and prescriptions related to patients in treatment for at least one year by the Pneumology Unit. Items dispensed by the Clinical Pharmacist were analysed through data entered into the database F file. Mean therapeutic adherence, according to the literature, 2 was calculated using the "pharmacy-refill" method: days of dispensed treatme…

research product

Search for Subsolar Mass Ultracompact Binaries in Advanced LIGO's Second Observing Run

We present a search for subsolar mass ultracompact objects in data obtained during Advanced LIGO’s second observing run. In contrast to a previous search of Advanced LIGO data from the first observing run, this search includes the effects of component spin on the gravitational waveform. We identify no viable gravitational-wave candidates consistent with subsolar mass ultracompact binaries with at least one component between \ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud–\ud1.0\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud. We use the null result to constrain the binary merger rate of (\ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud, \ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud) binaries to be less than \ud3.7\ud×\ud10\ud5\ud \ud \udGpc\ud−\ud3\ud \udyr\ud−\ud1\udand the binary …

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Increasing the Astrophysical Reach of the Advanced Virgo Detector via the Application of Squeezed Vacuum States of Light

Current interferometric gravitational-wave detectors are limited by quantum noise over a wide range of their measurement bandwidth. One method to overcome the quantum limit is the injection of squeezed vacuum states of light into the interferometer's dark port. Here, we report on the successful application of this quantum technology to improve the shot noise limited sensitivity of the Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detector. A sensitivity enhancement of up to 3.2±0.1 dB beyond the shot noise limit is achieved. This nonclassical improvement corresponds to a 5%-8% increase of the binary neutron star horizon. The squeezing injection was fully automated and over the first 5 months of the thi…

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