C. Prestigiacomo

El foro.com: encuentros y desencuentros en el "coliseo ideológico"

This paper focuses on the study of the virtual identity of Internet users in discussion forums and, specifically, their discursive identity. After a brief introduction to the concept of virtual identity, I analyze the basic characteristics of such forums, conceived as a place of dialectic, polyphonic and multidiscoursive communication. In the second part, I examine locutors’ discursive behavior in ideological argumentative discourse. First, I look at the image that the Internet user offers through its argumentative posts and how it is perceived by the virtual community. Next I analyze the argumentative strategies employed by locutors in “El foro de religión”, focusing my attention on those …

research product

La forja de la posverdad en el discurso nacional-sindicalista: «Y» (1938-1945)

In «Y» (1938-1945), the Women’s Section aims to contribute to the implementation of the values of Francoism, influencing the ideas and behaviour of Spanish women through the creation of a post-truth, which legitimizes and ensures the survival of power elites. In this paper, adopting the theoretical perspective of argumentative-persuasive discourse analysis, I will demonstrate how the national- syndicalist discourse creates its post-truth, through some “extra dictione” fallacies, based essentially on two macro-strategies: the negation of reality, and equally, the construction of a positive reality. En «Y» (1938-1945), la Sección femenina pretende coadyuvar la afirmación de los valores del fr…

research product

Patente de corso y La zona fantasma: La identidad del locutor

This study deals with the main features of locutors in La zona fantasma (Marías) and Patente de corso (Pérez Reverte). After a brief introduction on argumentative discourse and the opinion columns, the identity of the locutor/enunciator is analysed in detail. More precisely, the article will demonstrate how mode, polyphony and heterogeneity of discursive sequences support the persuasive objective pursued by this kind of discourse. En este trabajo proponemos una reflexión sobre las características del locutor de La zona fantasma (Marías) y Patente de corso (Pérez Reverte). Después de una breve introducción sobre el discurso argumentativo y las columnas de autor, se analizará la identidad de …

research product

Hydrothermal liquefaction of municipal sludge in sub- and super- critical water

Hydrothermal liquefaction of municipal sludge was conducted to investigate the effects of sub- and supercritical water and of the fluid dynamic regime on the quality of the products. Preliminary experimental runs were performed at two different temperatures (350°C and 400°C) changing reaction time in order to work at fixed kinetic severity of the process. An improvement of the C content in the solid residues and of the ratio H/C of the biocrude was obtained when a stirred reactor was used both in sub- and supercritical water. A hydrocarbon fraction was separated from biocrude whose maximum yield of 25% w/w was achieved in supercritical conditions. Results showed that the cumulative energy r…

research product

Identità, totalitarismi e stampa. Ricodifica linguistico-culturale dei media di regime

Il nucleo del presente volume, nelle diverse aree geografiche prese in esame, è caratterizzato dall’ascesa, dal consolidamento e dal declino dei regimi totalitari, sullo sfondo del conflitto mondiale. In tale contesto, la stampa si configura come strumento di autolegittimazione, rimedio ad una crisi di valori o promessa di un futuro glorioso a servizio del potere. Il discorso giornalistico da così voce alla propaganda di stato, diventando fondamentalmente persuasivo. Struttura informativa, lingua e retorica, titoli, immagini e didascalie, oltre che i contenuti ideologicamente marcati vengono modulati in funzione della “seduzione” del recettore, forgiando un intreccio indivisibile, in cui il…

research product