Christoph Rensing


PeerLA - Assistant for Individual Learning Goals and Self-Regulation Competency Improvement in Online Learning Scenarios

While online learning is already a part of university education and didactics, not all students have the necessary self-regulation competency to really learn on their own efficiently and effectively. In classroom a teacher can take over a moderating part, set intermediate goals and give feedback to one's progress, but participants of online learning courses (e.g. in blended scenarios or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)) face a higher demand of self-regulation competency. This paper presents a course and content independent assistant, PeerLA, which assists in improving self-regulation competency. PeerLA allows setting of long-term goals, breakdown into intermediate goals and keeps track o…

research product

A Context Aware Learning Application for Communities of Service Technicians

The gathering of knowledge and competences needed to accomplish work related tasks is carried out in several ways. It can be done, planned in the long term to brace oneself for a new area of responsibility or in the short term to prepare for a concrete forthcoming task or while working on a task. The latter two happen quite often at the workplace. In this paper, we present a context aware mobile application supporting workplace learning of service technicians working at different locations including customer service. The originality of the presented application lies in the combination of the question a answering concept with the microlearning concept and in the context awareness of the appl…

research product