Győző Szolnoky

Lipedema: an overview of its clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the disproportional fatty deposition syndrome - systematic review

Lipedema is a disproportionate, symmetrical fatty swelling characterized by pain and bruising existing almost exclusively among women. We undertook a systematic review of the available literature about lipedema, given the lack of knowledge and little evidence about this disorder especially among obesity experts. Diagnosis of lipedema is usually based on clinical features. Symmetrical edema in the lower limbs with fatty deposits located to hips and thighs usually appears at puberty and often affects several members of the same family. Main disorders considered for differential diagnosis are lymphedema, obesity, lipohypertrophy and phlebedema. Treatment protocols comprise conservative (decong…

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Mecánica rotacional ventricular izquierda invertida en un paciente con lipedema (del estudio de MAGYAR-Path)

Resumen: El lipedema es un trastorno crónico que se caracteriza por una hiperplasia del tejido adiposo subcutáneo simétrico, deformante, asociado a hematomas y dolor, que afecta fundamentalmente a mujeres tras la pubertad, que suele ser familiar y tiene influencia hormonal. Sin tratamiento, el lipedema puede progresar a linfedema, y se ha asociado al aumento en la rigidez de la aorta. La mecánica rotacional del ventrículo izquierdo (VI) tiene un papel significativo en la circulación normal. En circunstancias normales, la base del VI rota en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, mientras que el ápex del VI rota en sentido contrario, provocando un movimiento como de retorcer una toalla llamado …

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Update in the management of lipedema

INTRODUCTION Lipedema is a chronic feminine disease that causes abnormal fat deposition in lower limbs and occasionally upper limbs. Easy bruising and pain are common. Lipedema patients suffer from both physical and psychological disability. Despite the relatively high prevalence and the impact on the quality of life, little is known about the disease. Most patients are misdiagnosed as lymphedema or obesity. The aim was to perform a non-systematic review on lipedema literature, related to diagnosis and therapy. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION A literature search was performed by three researchers, to retrieve pertinent articles in PubMed Web of Science and ResearchGate from the last 20 years. The docu…

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