F. Camacho-de Coca

Prototyping algorithm for retrieving FAPAR using MSG data in the context of the LSA SAF project

This paper describes the prototyping algorithm developed for retrieving the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) using MSG data in the framework of satellite application facility on land surface analysis (LSA SAF). The prototyping relies on the Roujean and Breon (1995) method, which is based on simulations of visible and near infrared reflectance values in an optimal geometry. A relationship is found between a vegetation index and daily FAPAR The algorithm has been applied to one year of MSG BRDF data since August 2005, using a temporal frequency of 5-days, and then validated against a set of operational satellite FAPAR products such as MODIS, MERIS, SeaWiFS and …

research product

Direct validation of FVC, LAI and FAPAR VEGETATION/SPOT derived products using LSA SAF methodology

The aim of this work is to perform a direct validation of fraction of vegetation cover (FVC), leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) resulting products from applying the LSA SAF methodology to VEGETATION BRDF data. LSA SAF adapted algorithms were tested in adequate test sites comprising different continental biomes covering a wide range of FVC, LAI and FAPAR values. Results seem to indicate the competitiveness of LSA SAF proposed methodology to retrieve remotely sensed biophysical parameters. A noticeable good agreement regarding the ground measurements was found. The overall accuracy (RAISE) is around 20% for FVC and FAPAR and around 15% …

research product

Retrieving leaf area index from multi-angular airborne data

This work is aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of a methodology for retrieving bio-geophysical variables whilst at the same time fully accounting for additional information on directional anisotropy. A model-based approach has been developed to deconvolve the angular reflectance into single landcovers reflectances, attempting to solve the inconsistencies of 1D models and linear mixture approaches. The model combines the geometric optics of large scale canopy structure with principles of radiative transfer for volume scattering within individual crowns. The reliability of the model approach to retrieve LAI has been demonstrated using data from DAISEX- 99 campaign at Barrax, Spain. Airborn…

research product

Derivation of high-resolution leaf area index maps in support of validation activities: Application to the cropland Barrax site

The validation of coarse satellite-derived products from field measurements generally relies on up-scaling the field data to the corresponding satellite products. This question is commonly addressed through the generation of a reference high-resolution map of an area covering several moderate resolution pixels. This paper describes a method by which reference leaf area index (LAI) maps can be generated from ground-truth LAI measurements. The method is based on a multivariate ordinary least squares (OLS) algorithm which uses an iteratively re-weighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm. It provides an empirical relationship (i.e. a transfer function) between in situ measurements and concomitant …

research product

Accuracy assessment of fraction of vegetation cover and leaf area index estimates from pragmatic methods in a cropland area

The fraction of vegetation cover (FVC) and the leaf area index (LAI) are important parameters for many agronomic, ecological and meteorological applications. Several in-situ and remote sensing techniques for estimating FVC and LAI have been developed in recent years. In this paper, the uncertainty of in-situ FVC and LAI measurements was evaluated by comparing estimates from LAI-2000 and digital hemispherical photography (DHP). The accuracy achieved with a spectral mixture analysis algorithm and two vegetation indices-based methods was assessed using atmospherically corrected Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data over the Barrax cropland area where the European Space Agency (ESA) SENtinel-2 and …

research product

Vegetation cover seasonal changes assessment from TM imagery in a semi-arid landscape

This work evaluates the suitability of spectral mixture analysis (SMA) methods to assess vegetation cover seasonal changes in a desertification context. Our main interest is to produce remotely sensed derived maps, sensitive to vegetation activity and quite independent of the soil background. A further aim is to analyse the inter-annual variations of this magnitude for different natural vegetation species, in response to seasonal and climatic changes. Fractional vegetation cover (FVC) was obtained using a Variable Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (VESMA) technique. The aim is to identify the main vegetation cover and lithological units and decompose them in separate stages. The use of sp…

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