Jordi Palafox
José Morilla Critz: La crisis económica de 1929, Madrid, Pirámide, 1984, 182 pp.
Roman Perpiña Grau (1902–1991)
El revers del Corredor Mediterrani. Per què beneficiarà més Alemanya que Espanya
Els intel·lectuals espanyols davant les «altres» cultures | Conversa amb Víctor Gómez Pin | Ernst Cassirer, Pedro Ruiz, Jordi Nieva, Carles Torner, Jordi Palafox, Josep V. Boira
The financing of Spanish public universities
The main features of the recent evolution of the Spanish universities are described in this paper. Of the three sets of reforms that are currently in progress (reforms of the teaching process, institutional evaluation and new financing models) we concentrate on the last one, introducing and discussing some proposals for the financing of Spanish public universities.