Thomas Weimann
Generation of energy selective excitations in quantum hall edge states
We operate an on-demand source of single electrons in high perpendicular magnetic fields up to 30T, corresponding to a filling factor below 1/3. The device extracts and emits single charges at a tunable energy from and to a two-dimensional electron gas, brought into well defined integer and fractional quantum Hall (QH) states. It can therefore be used for sensitive electrical transport studies, e.g. of excitations and relaxation processes in QH edge states.
Non-adiabatic pumping of single electrons affected by magnetic fields
Non-adiabatic pumping of discrete charges, realized by a dynamical quantum dot in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure, is studied under influence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Application of an oscillating voltage in the GHz-range to one of two top gates, crossing a narrow wire and confining a quantum dot, leads to quantized pumped current plateaus in the gate characteristics. The regime of pumping one single electron is traced back to the diverse tunneling processes into and out-of the dot. Extending the theory to multiple electrons allows to investigate conveniently the pumping characteristics in an applied magnetic field. In this way, a qualitatively different behavior between pumping ev…
Counting statistics for electron capture in a dynamic quantum dot
We report non-invasive single-charge detection of the full probability distribution $P_n$ of the initialization of a quantum dot with $n$ electrons for rapid decoupling from an electron reservoir. We analyze the data in the context of a model for sequential tunneling pinch-off, which has generic solutions corresponding to two opposing mechanisms. One limit considers sequential "freeze out" of an adiabatically evolving grand canonical distribution, the other one is an athermal limit equivalent to the solution of a generalized decay cascade model. We identify the athermal capturing mechanism in our sample, testifying to the high precision of our combined theoretical and experimental methods. …