Jaana Räisänen
Digital Technologies for Transport and Mobility: Challenges, Trends and Perspectives
This white paper aims at presenting the ideas emerging from the different fields pertaining to transport and mobility, to describe the capacities of current state-of-the-art digital technologies and the perspectives that are expected to shape the future of transport and mobility.
Adoption of digital innovations in rural enterprises during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly affected the operating conditions of enterprises. Traditional customers and operational models are changing radically in the short term. Digitalisation and digital methods provide an opportunity to re-organise working methods and create a new kind of business to replace old methods and business models. Compared to urban enterprises, rural enterprises have less experience with digital tools and are less likely to adopt digital innovations. This makes rural enterprises especially vulnerable. The purpose of this study is to provide insights into how micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas have addressed the COVID-19 pandemic, th…
Building trust in the sharing economy: Current approaches and future considerations
The sharing economy could be an answer to the challenge of sustainability; it can facilitate the sharing and reuse of resources, create new ways of earning money, and enhance social connections. For example, by reducing the use of natural resources without having to acquire or own everything, the sharing economy can positively affect sustainability. At the core of this type of economy lies trust among users and between users and the platform—the system cannot reach its full potential without trust. In fact, businesses or organizations in the sharing economy can even fail due to trust issues, although more information is needed to make better use of the existing platforms. The aim of this sy…
Digital innovations in rural micro-enterprises
Digitalization gives micro-enterprises and rural areas new possibilities and it can support their competitiveness. In this paper, we have presented one way of supporting the diffusion and adoption of digital innovations in rural micro-enterprises. First, we examined the challenges and digital competence of the micro-enterprises in the rural areas of Central Finland to better understand what they needed. The second step was to develop a workshop concept. Theories of innovation diffusion and adoption were used as a base for these workshops. The last step was to evaluate the developed concept, its effects and challenges. We found that the workshop concept worked well for spreading information,…
Matkalla 3D-tulostettuun maailmaan
3D-tulostus ei ole aivan uusi asia, mutta laajempaan tietoisuuteen ala on noussut vasta viime vuosina. Tällä hetkellä 3D-tulostusta hyödynnetään paljon teollisuuden eri aloilla, kuten esimerkiksi lääketieteessä ja teollisessa muotoilussa, mutta tulostimien hintojen laskettua merkittävästi viime vuosina on niiden pienimuotoinen käyttö lisääntynyt myös tavallisen kuluttajan harrastevälineenä. Mutta mitä 3D-tulostus käytännössä tarkoittaa ja millainen on alan tilanne nyt ja tulevaisuudessa? nonPeerReviewed