Claus Jünger
What's past is prologue: Recalled parenting styles are associated with childhood cancer survivors' mental health outcomes more than 25 years after diagnosis
Abstract Background With the increased survival rates of childhood cancer, long-term survivors' well-being over the life span has come into focus. A better understanding of the determinants of childhood cancer survivors' (CCS) mental health outcomes contributes to the identification of vulnerable individuals as well as to the development of evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts. It has been noted that psychosocial factors such as parental rearing behavior shape individual differences in mental health. There is also evidence that parents show altered parenting behavior in the face of childhood cancer, e. g. that they express more emotional support, but also more worries. However…
Impact of Structural Heart Disease on the Acute Complication Rate in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Results from the German Ablation Registry
Acute Complication Rate in AF Ablation Introduction Catheter ablation (CA) has emerged as a widespread therapeutic option in the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). Currently, no safety data with regard to the impact of the underlying structural heart diseases (SHD) are available. We sought to assess the risk for acute and long-term complications during CA of AF in relation to underlying SHD. Methods and Results We included 6,211 patients in a prospective registry undergoing CA of AF in 41 nationwide centers. All patients were divided into 4 groups according to the underlying heart disease: No SHD (69.4%), hypertensive heart disease (HHD) (12.0%), coronary artery disease (CAD) (15.1%), a…
Management of Oral Anti-Coagulation in Patients with Heart Failure-Insights from the ThrombEVAL Study
AbstractPatients with heart failure (HF) are frequently anti-coagulated with vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs). The use of long-acting VKA may be preferable for HF patients due to higher stability of plasma concentrations. However, evidence on phenprocoumon-based oral anti-coagulation (OAC) therapy in HF is scarce. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the presence of HF on quality of phenprocoumon-based OAC and the subsequent clinical outcome. Quality of OAC therapy and the incidence of adverse events were analysed in a cohort of regular care (n = 2,011) from the multi-centre thrombEVAL study program (NCT01809015) stratified by the presence of HF. To assess the modifiability of outc…
Hypertension in Germany
Background: Hypertension is a key risk factor. However, population data based on blood pressure measurements in Germany are scarce. Methods: Standardized blood pressure (BP) measurements and medication data from seven population-based studies conducted in Germany between 1994 and 2012 (66 845 participants, 25-74 years) were analyzed: the EPIC-Potsdam study (1994-1998, EPIC), the KORA-S4 Study (1999-2001) in Augsburg, and the Gutenberg Health Study (2007-2012, GHS) in Mainz/Mainz-Bingen provided data for descriptive comparisons. Time trends were analyzed based on identical study regions for the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (BGS98) and the German Health Examina…
Parenting in the face of serious illness: Childhood cancer survivors remember different rearing behavior than the general population
Objective A child's cancer diagnosis and treatment affect the whole family. While it has been recognized that parents are an important resource for their children, little is known about the specifics of parenting in the face of serious illness. Methods We used the Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior Questionnaire in a register-based cohort of adult childhood cancer survivors (CCS) (N = 951) and a representative population sample of the same age range (N = 2042). The questionnaire assesses behavior of mothers and fathers with three scales (emotional warmth, rejection/punishment, and control/overprotection) by querying the (former) child. We compared the two groups using general linear models.…
Noise annoyance is associated with depression and anxiety in the general population : the contribution of aircraft noise
BACKGROUND: While noise annoyance has become recognized as an important environmental stressor, its association to mental health has hardly been studied. We therefore determined the association of noise annoyance to anxiety and depression and explored the contribution of diverse environmental sources to overall noise annoyance. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We investigated cross-sectional data of n = 15.010 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), a population-based, prospective, single-center cohort study in Mid-Germany (age 35 to 74 years). Noise annoyance was assessed separately for road traffic, aircraft, railways, industrial, neighborhood indoor and outdoor noise ("during the day"; "i…
History of deep vein thrombosis is a discriminator for concomitant atrial fibrillation in pulmonary embolism.
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the consequence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in 70% of all cases. Although, PE and DVT are commonly related to risk factors of Virchow's triad, both entities are linked to cardiovascular risk factors, but risk factors seem differently important in both entities.We aimed to investigate clinical profile and outcome of patients with PE history stratified by concomitant DVT.Data from the observational multi-center thrombEVAL-study were analyzed.The sample (N=2,318) comprised 295 PE patients, of whom 69.2% (N=204) had DVT. Individuals without DVT were older and had higher prevalence of concomitant atrial fibrillation (AF), chronic lung diseases, coronary artery diseas…
Chronic venous insufficiency, cardiovascular disease, and mortality: a population study
Abstract Aims Evidence regarding the health burden of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), its clinical determinants, and impact on outcome is scarce. Methods and results Systematic phenotyping of CVI according to established CEAP (Clinical-Etiologic-Anatomic-Pathophysiologic) classification was performed in 12 423 participants (age range: 40–80 years) of the Gutenberg Health Study from April 2012 to April 2017. Prevalence was calculated age- and sex-specifically. Multivariable Poisson regression models were calculated to evaluate the relation of CVI with cardiovascular comorbidities. Survival analyses were carried out to assess the CVI-associated risk of death. Replication of findings was…
Risk factors for suicidal ideation in a large, registry-based sample of adult long-term childhood cancer survivors
Abstract Introduction Long-term childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at risk for physical and psychosocial late effects. Previous research has attested to increased rates of suicidal ideation (SI) in CCS, an especially dangerous indicator of distress. However, little was known about risk factors of SI among CCS which go beyond illness- and treatment related variables. Methods A registry-based sample of 916 adult long-term CCS (Mage=34.58 years [SD=5.53], Mage at diagnosis=6.15 years [SD=4.28]) underwent medical assessments and filled out questionnaires. We conducted a linear regression analysis on SI, testing predictors of different areas: sociodemographic, social, physical health and healt…
Distribution, genetic and cardiovascular determinants of FVIII:c - Data from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study
Background: Elevated levels of FVIII:c are associated with risk for both venous and arterial thromboembolism. However, no population-based study on the sex-specific distribution and reference ranges of plasma FVIII: c and its cardiovascular determinants is available. Methods: FVIII:c was analyzed in a randomly selected sample of 2533 males and 2440 females from the Gutenberg Health Study in Germany. Multivariable regression analyses for FVIII:c were performed under adjustment for genetic determinants, cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease. Results and conclusions: Females (126.6% (95% CI: 125.2/128)) showed higher FVIII:c levels than males (121.2% (119.8/122.7)). FVIII:c le…
Results of the Dyslipidemia International Study (DYSIS)-Middle East: Clinical Perspective on the Prevalence and Characteristics of Lipid Abnormalities in the Setting of Chronic Statin Treatment
BACKGROUND: Therapeutic intervention with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol-lowering agents known as statins has been demonstrated to reduce cardiovascular risk. However, many patients on statin treatment have persistent dyslipidemia and remain at a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the frequency of lipid abnormalities in patients receiving chronic statin treatment. METHODS: As part of an international, cross-sectional, observational study, DYSIS-Middle East enrolled 2,182 patients in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Jordan. All patients were over 45 years of age and had been on statin treatment for at least …
Intake of Vitamin K Antagonists and Worsening of Cardiac and Vascular Disease: Results From the Population‐Based Gutenberg Health Study
Background Preclinical data have indicated a link between use of vitamin K antagonists ( VKA ) and detrimental effects on vascular structure and function. The objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between VKA intake and different phenotypes of subclinical cardiovascular disease in the population. Methods and Results Clinical and laboratory data, as well as medical–technical examinations were assessed from 15 010 individuals aged 35 to 74 years during a highly standardized 5‐hour visit at the study center of the population‐based Gutenberg Health Study. In total, the study sample comprised 287 VKA users and 14 564 VKA nonusers. Multivariable analysis revealed an in…