Stanislav Zvanovec
Optical wireless communication systems
Abstract The emerging field of optical wireless communication (OWC) systems is seen as potential complementary technology to the radio frequency wireless communications in certain applications. It is deemed as a possible technology in the future 5th Generation communication networks to address the spectrum congestion and improve the system’s capacity. More research and developments in OWC is still needed in order for it to be adopted in current and future communication systems. This special issue brings together research papers on OWC covering free space optic, visible communications and ultraviolet communications.
Route diversity analyses for free-space optical wireless links within turbulent scenarios
Free-Space Optical (FSO) communications link performance is highly affected when propagating through the time-spatially variable turbulent environment. In order to improve signal reception, several mitigation techniques have been proposed and analytically investigated. This paper presents experimental results for the route diversity technique evaluations for a specific case when several diversity links intersects a common turbulent area and concurrently each passing regions with different turbulence flows.
Combined effect of turbulence and aerosol on free-space optical links
[EN] Despite the benefits of free-space optical (FSO) communications, their full utilization is limited by the influence of atmospheric weather conditions, such as fog, turbulence, smoke, snow, etc. In urban environments, additional environmental factors such as smog and dust particles due to air pollution caused by industry and motor vehicles may affect FSO link performance, which has not been investigated in detail yet. Both smog and dust particles cause absorption and scattering of the propagating optical signal, thus resulting in high attenuation. This work investigates the joint impact of atmospheric turbulence and dust particle-imposed scattering on FSO link performance as part of the…
Experimental characterization and mitigation of turbulence induced signal fades within an ad hoc FSO network
Optical beams propagating through the turbulent atmospheric channel suffer from both the attenuation and phase distortion. Since future wireless networks are envisaged to be deployed in the ad hoc mesh topology, this paper presents the experimental laboratory characterization of mitigation of turbulence induced signal fades for two ad hoc scenarios. Results from measurements of the thermal structure constant along the propagation channels, changes of the coherence lengths for different turbulence regimes and the eye diagrams for partially correlated turbulences in free space optical channels are discussed. Based on these results future deployment of optical ad hoc networks can be more strai…
Characterization of dual-polarization analogue radio over fiber fronthaul for LTE C-RAN architecture
En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la medición ampliada de la radio analógica de doble polarización (DP) sobre fibra (RoF) en una arquitectura de red de acceso radio en la nube (C-RAN) de evolución a largo plazo (LTE). Esta técnica se propone para las conexiones de fibra entre las oficinas centrales y las estaciones base remotas. Se investigan varias longitudes de fibra óptica para determinar el mejor rendimiento del sistema en términos de magnitud de vector de error (EVM) y tasa de error de bit. La distancia máxima alcanzada para el caso de un ancho de banda LTE de 20 MHz es de 50 km, mostrando un valor de EVM admisible del 8,5% a la frecuencia de radio de 2,6 GHz cuando se ut…
Analyses of Dual Polarization WDM and SCM Radio over Fiber and Radio over FSO for C-RAN Architecture
En este trabajo se simulan y verifican experimentalmente los esquemas de transmisión para una Arquitectura de Red de Acceso Radio Centralizada (C-RAN) basados en la combinación de dos tecnologías: Radio sobre Fibra (RoF) y Radio sobre FSO (RoFSO). Las configuraciones propuestas se optimizan para la evolución a largo plazo (LTE) con un ancho de banda de 20 MHz utilizando una modulación de amplitud en cuadratura de 64-QAM en términos de magnitud de vector de error (EVM). En primer lugar, se comparan las mediciones de la multiplexación por división de polarización mediante la combinación de RoF y RoFSO (PDM-RoF/FSO) con los modelos de simulación. Esto se amplía con la combinación de PDM-Multip…