Chiara Vaccaro

Correlation Between Long-Term Acetylsalicylic Acid Use and Prostate Cancer Screening with PSA. Should We Reduce the PSA Cut-off for Patients in Chronic Therapy? A Multicenter Study

Guglielmo Mantica,1 Francesco Chierigo,1,2 Farzana Cassim,3 Francesca Ambrosini,1,2 Stefano Tappero,1,2 Rafaela Malinaric,1,2 Stefano Parodi,1,2 Andrea Benelli,4 Federico Dotta,4 Marco Ennas,4 Martina Beverini,1,2 Chiara Vaccaro,5 Salvatore Smelzo,6 Giovanni Guano,1,2 Federico Mariano,1,2 Calogero Paola,1,2 Giorgia Granelli,1,2 Virginia Varca,5 Carlo Introini,4 Salvatore Dioguardi,7 Alchiede Simonato,7 Andrea Gregori,8 Franco Gaboardi,6 Carlo Terrone,1,2 André Van der Merwe3 1IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, U.O. Urologia, Genova, Italy; 2Department of Surgical and Diagnostic Integrated Sciences (DISC), University of Genova, Genova, Italy; 3Department of Urology, Tygerberg Academic …

research product

Prosocial priming and bystander effect in an online context.

The present study tested the effect of priming the concept of prosociality on the bystander effect in an online environment. Participants were sent an e-mail requesting a plea for help and randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2 (Bystander: 0 vs. 14) × 2 (Priming: present vs. absent) design. The results demonstrated support for the study hypothesis. As expected, the virtual presence of many others significantly reduced e-mail responsiveness except when the request for help is preceded by prosocial priming. Implications of these findings for the literature on the bystander effect and priming are discussed.

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