Anne Räsänen

"Ein Garten Eden für unerschrockene Tierliebhaber" : eine Diskursanalyse über die Reisemotive in Reisereportagen zu Australien

Turismi lukeutuu maailmanlaajuisesti merkittäviin ja nopeimmin kasvaviin toimialoihin. Matkustaminen ei ole enää harvojen etuoikeus, vaan siitä on tullut länsimaissa itsestäänselvyys ja jopa harrastus. Matkustusmotiivien ja sitä kautta kuluttajakäyttäytymisen ymmärtäminen on keskeinen osa matkailumarkkinointia ja sen suunnittelua. Vaikka matkakertomukset genrenä mielletään usein yltiöpositiivisiksi mainosteksteiksi, on journalisteilla valtaa vaikuttaa lukijoihin ja eri matkakohteista muodostuviin mielikuviin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten matkustusmotiiveja representoidaan saksankielisissä matkakertomuksissa. Samalla tarkasteltiin kielellisiä keinoja, joiden avulla yr…

research product

Developing a conceptual framework : the case of MAGICC

This paper reports the steps taken to develop the conceptual framework of the MAGICC project (2013), which aimed to provide action-oriented descriptions of multilingual and multicultural academic and professional communication competence, instructional designs to promote these in higher education language teaching, and multidimensional forms of assessment aligned with the learning outcomes established – all presented in an academic ePortfolio that expands the features of the existing European Language Portfolio (ELP) to the higher education level. “Starting with systematic desk research into the existing conceptualisations of multi/plurilingual and multi/ intercultural competences as well a…

research product

The Expansion of English-medium Instruction in the Nordic Countries.Can Top-Down University Language Polices Encourage Bottom-up Disciplinary Literacy Goals?

Recently, in the wake of the Bologna Declaration and similar internationalinitiatives, there has been a rapid increase in the number of university courses and programmestaught through the medium of English. Surveys have consistently shown theNordic countries to be at the forefront of this trend towards English-medium instruction(EMI). In this paper, we discuss the introduction of EMI in four Nordic countries (Denmark,Finland, Norway and Sweden). We present the educational setting and the EMIdebate in each of these countries and summarize relevant research findings. We then makesome tentative suggestions for the introduction of EMI in higher education in othercountries. In particular, we are…

research product

Sharing and promoting disciplinary competences for university teaching in English: voices from the University of Jyväskylä language centre’s TACE programme

The internationalisation of universities often means that the language of learning and teaching needs to be changed – at present most commonly to English. Apart from English-speaking countries, then, most European universities offer their degree programmes in a language that is not the first language of either the students or the teachers. This challenging situation is also the reality in Finland and at the University of Jyväskylä. Many Finnish universities have set up supporting infrastructures to deal with the new challenges, particularly in their international master’s programmes. In this article we describe the TACE programme, which has been run by the Language Centre on an annual basis…

research product